“Anutin” brings new ministers to the Ministry of Interior on the first day

“Anutin” brings new ministers to the Ministry of Interior on the first day, reveals plans to divide work in the Ministry of Interior after the policy statement is complete, confident there will be no problems even though 2 deputy ministers are women, points out that it is a strength, not often happens, confirms full support for the policies of the coalition parties

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Anutin Charnvirakul, along with three Deputy Ministers of Interior, Mr. Songsak Thongsri, Ms. Sabida Thaiset, and Ms. Thirat Rattanawanich, paid homage to the sacred objects of the Ministry of Interior at 7.45 a.m. and met with officials of the Ministry on the first working day.

After the sacred worship ceremony, Mr. Anutin gave an interview to the press that in the next 2 days (September 12), there will be a policy statement to the parliament. The Ministry of Interior will divide the duties for each minister to perform their duties, assigning ministers to screen the work and coordinate together. Mr
. Songsak will be assigned to oversee the work in the northern northeastern region, while Ms. Thirat will oversee the Bangkok area and everything related to Bangkok because she is already an MP for Bangkok. As for whether Ms. Sabida will continue the work from Mr. Chada Thaiset or not, we have to wait to hear from the Prime Minister first.

When asked whether being a woman would affect the policy of suppressing influential people, Mr. Anutin said that ministers are more influential and are even a strength of the Ministry of Interior. Ministers at this time have all been through political wars, are understanding, dedicated, and determined to work for the people and the country. All of them have education and experience. He believes that the work will be smooth and powerful. He is happy to have two assistant ministers who are women. It is a rare phenomenon in the Ministry of Interior. He believes that all civil servants are ready to cooperate in the work.

When asked whether the Bhumjaithai Party’s cannabis pol
icy would continue, Mr. Anutin said that he had asked the Prime Minister to consider it, asking him to consider the draft Cannabis and Hemp Act, which had been discussed by the Ministry of Public Health and relevant agencies. The use of cannabis must be under control and focused on medical use.

Regarding the Entertainment Complex policy, Mr. Anutin said that this matter must be amended, which the Bhumjaithai Party agrees with because it is something that attracts tourists and creates jobs and income for Thai people in a huge way. They have to consider how to make Thai people benefit the most from this policy, which currently has problems with zoning. He confirmed that the Bhumjaithai Party does not object and is ready to create zones in areas that drive the economy and generate income for people in the area as a whole.

Mr. Anutin said that each coalition party supports each other’s policies to benefit the people. Everything is morally correct, not immoral, and clearly beneficial to the public. He is confide
nt that the government will last until its term ends if it understands and supports each other.

Source: Thai News Agency