Bappenas reviews Papuan provinces’ readiness to implement 3 missions

Wamena, Papua (ANTARA) – Officials from the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) visited Papua to review the readiness of Papuan provinces for implementing three missions—Healthy Papua, Smart Papua, and Productive Papua.

“There are three major mandated missions to accelerate the development of Papua so that it can become more independent, developed, just, and prosperous. The missions are three, which are Healthy Papua, Smart Papua, and Productive Papua,” Bappenas’ deputy for regional development, Himawan Harioga, said here on Monday.

During a discussion with the Papua Pegunungan provincial government and related agencies in Wamena on Monday, Harioga explained that the two-year action plan (2023–2024) is one of the five stages of implementing the master plan for accelerating development in Papua.

The master plan is in accordance with the mandate of Papua’s Special Autonomy policy for the next 20 years or until 2041.

“The 20-year (period) is divided into five stages. Phase 1 is for two years, and for four to five years for phases 2, 3, and 4, and is adjusted to the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD),” Harioga informed, adding that the final or the fifth stage is two years away.

“The one we are talking about today is the 2023–2024 one. It is drafted with the regional government,” he said.

He assured that the discussions with a number of provincial governments will result in a mutual agreement so that the use of funding sourced from the Special Autonomy (Otsus) Fund, the General Allocation Funds (DAU), and the Village Fund (DD) can be optimized.

A steering body that is ready to synchronize, control, and evaluate the plan has also been formed.

“There is already the President’s instruction (for the program). At the national level, it is chaired by the Vice President. Hopefully, it can be completed as soon as possible so that early next year we can do dissemination of information,” he said.



Source: Antara News