Going further, tutoring more intensely than MPs, emphasizing “people’s expectations”

Chonburi, May 19 – Go far, intensive tutoring meeting, MPs move forward to thank the people. Start work immediately, don’t have to wait for the Election Commission to endorse, warning not to swagger Bigger than the party is the expectations of the people.”

Reporters reported that The Kao Klai Party held a meeting of 500 elected and non-elected MPs led by Mr. Pita Limcharoenrat. far-reaching party leader thanked everyone who contributed to the success of the Progressive Party in the May 14, 2023 election, and if you look back on the goals of the Progressive Party that he announced during the election That is, it must get more than 6.3 million votes, it must get more MPs than the Future Forward Party. In the 2019 elections and must get constituency MPs in all regions of Thailand

When the election results came out, it was found that the Kao Klai Party was successful. able to surpass the target set because we get MPs divided into 112 constituencies and had 14 million party-list votes, becoming the party that won MPs, the most number 1, in total, received more than 152 MPs, and even in many provinces that did not win Got the list of votes to be number 1, winning the big house or the regional-provincial party But even if it’s a big party, it has to be small. went out to thank the fellow citizens and got to work immediately

“From 6.3 million popular votes in 2019 to 14 million votes in 2023, it has become the most trusted party in Thailand. This is a real opportunity to create real change. a historical beat Progressive party ideology has become the mainstream of society. Our party continues to grow. But we have to keep getting smaller and smaller. After this, you can go out and thank the people and start working right away. You don’t have to certify the results of the Election Commission. because the people’s brothers and sisters have clearly shown their intentions And most importantly, don’t make a swagger. Don’t be arrogant and memorize these sentences well “Bigger than us is the party. Bigger than the party is the expectations of the people, ”said Pita.

The Kao Klai party leader revealed that After this, he will spend time traveling to meet with the Federation of Thai Industries. The Thai Chamber of Commerce, labor groups, various professional groups go to the pride and walk to thank the people as much as possible As Prime Minister Regarding the formation of the government, the party leader said he could briefly inform that there is progress in negotiating the establishment of a government Nowadays, the number of MPs and the number of parties that support the government progressively increases. Please join us in following the announcement again on May 22, 2023.- Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency