His Majesty the King has approved the resignation of Pol. Gen. Surachet from the position of Deputy Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai Police.

His Majesty the King has approved the dismissal of Pol. Gen. Surachet from his position as deputy national police chief after committing serious disciplinary offenses.

On August 15, 2024, the Royal Gazette website published an announcement from the Prime Minister’s Office regarding the dismissal of police officers from their positions.

The Royal Thai Police has ordered Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, a police officer in the position of Deputy Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai Police, to temporarily suspend his duties from duty since April 18, 2024, due to allegations of serious disciplinary violations to the point of being investigated by a committee. He has requested that the matter be submitted to His Majesty for royal approval to remove him from his position, in accordance with Sections 140 and 178 of the Royal Thai Police Act B.E. 2565, in conjunction with Section 11 of the Royal Thai Police Regulation on Suspension and Temporary Resignation B.E. 2547, and the Office of the Secretariat to the Cabinet ha
s submitted the matter to His Majesty for royal approval to remove him from his position.

Now, His Majesty has graciously granted permission for the said person to resign from the position of Deputy Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai Police, effective from 18 April 2024. Announced on 15 August 2024.

Source: Thai News Agency