Pheu Thai Party spokesman reveals the Prime Minister has excellent leadership skills.

Pheu Thai Party spokesman points out that the Prime Minister respects others and has high leadership qualities, asking people to follow the official policy statement.

Mr. Danupon Punnakan, MP for the party list and spokesman for the Pheu Thai Party, said that after the cabinet led by Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, the Prime Minister, had an audience with His Majesty the King, swore an oath before taking up the duties of a minister and immediately began working with a special cabinet meeting to summarize the government’s policies on September 7, it was the first proof that the Prime Minister was determined to work so that the policies that were still in the process and wanted to continue would be developed to be better than before and must be completed within 3 years of being the government. The Prime Minister used every second to its fullest potential and also had high leadership skills through making decisions on policies to be included in the book by honoring the team that worked together on the details fir
st. He also set performance indicators by summarizing the performance of each ministry within 3 months, reflecting that the Prime Minister had applied successful business management methods and experiences to the administration appropriately. This would help the people to be able to clearly follow the performance of each ministry, which is another way to check and balance.

As for the criticisms of the policy book that appear in the media at this time, it is a general right to express opinions. However, it would be better to follow the official policy presentation to the parliament on September 12-13.

Source: Thai News Agency