Senators waiting to hear government policy, keeping an eye on digital wallets

“Nantana” tells the Senate to listen to government policies, keep an eye on the digital wallet policy, whether it can be done according to the law and become a real economic stimulus tornado or just a wind, recommends planning the 69 budget from the beginning of the 68 budget.

Ms. Nantana Nantawaropas, leader of the new generation of senators, talked about the policy statement of the government of Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, the Prime Minister, to the parliament on September 12 and 13 that it seems that the government will still push the Digital Wallet policy, maybe changing the format, but we have to wait and see because the budget has been allocated and implemented. We also have to see if this policy can be followed by law, whether it can really stimulate the economy, and whether it will be a whirlwind as mentioned or just a wind.

Ms. Nantana also said that today will be a discussion between the three whips. She believes that there will be an allocation for the senators to discuss widely because this is
the starting point for us to help each other. If the government still uses this kind of policy, how will it be consistent and appropriate? There will be observations to create caution. The senators have prepared for the debate and are listening to the government’s policy statement.

As for the debate on the draft of the 2025 budget bill, Ms. Nantana said that the Senate cannot adjust, reduce, remove, or increase anything. They can only consider and make observations. From looking at the details of the draft of the 2025 budget bill, it is an arrangement without strategy, increasing in proportion to the general budget. It is believed that the budget is prepared by civil servants, so it does not have the characteristics of stimulating the economy, which is 68% of the regular budget and the rest is a budget to stimulate the economy, which is very little. The budget to stimulate the economy is the budget for the Digital Wallet Soft Power. If the budget is still organized like this, next year will be hopeless. It w
as noted that in the budget arrangement for the next year, the 2026 budget should be prepared from the beginning of the 2025 budget, focusing on stimulating the economy.

For the consideration of the budget bill which will be considered in 3 readings, Ms. Nantana said that if we look at the time of the process here, there is a rejection of the budget bill, which will be a problem that will cause a delay and have to be sent back to the MPs. I think it will be allowed to pass but I will provide observations and suggestions that will benefit the people, which will not cause the budget to be delayed and unable to move forward.

Source: Thai News Agency