SOEs should collaborate to maintain geoparks: ministry

Assistant Deputy for Social and Environmental Responsibility of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Agus Suharyono encourages SOEs to collaborate in maintaining and strengthening geoparks as a form of the SOEs’ presence for all parties.

He praised PT Jamkrindo’s focus on geoparks, through economic concern for the environment there and facilitating the development of micro and small businesses in the vicinity, especially at the Ciletuh Geopark in Sukabumi, West Java.

“Thank you to PT Jamkrindo. I am optimistic that this step will be emulated by other SOEs, for which collaboration for Jamkrindo or other SOEs is deemed necessary,” he stated during a virtual book review event “Jamkrindo’s Inspiration Supports Pillars of Economic Growth in the Sustainable Development Goals” on Monday.

Suharyono later highlighted the importance of collaboration in strengthening geoparks on account of their varied aspects that may offer added value and benefits.

“When we speak about geoparks, I just want to convey how many aspects that these geoparks require,” he added. The book review event discussed the role of SOE through Jamkrindo to strengthen geoparks’ economic and environmental aspects through better waste management.

“We will also see how SOEs play a role in other aspects. This is important because if we take care of geoparks, then it means we take care of the well-being of our earth,” he pointed out.

Indonesia currently has several geoparks, whose scale has been recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization or UNESCO.

The Ministry of SOEs has invited all parties to maintain and strengthen existing geoparks, such as the Ciletuh Geopark.

“Hopefully, we can preserve the biodiversity at the geopark and maintain its environment. We are grateful for being able to improve the quality of microenterprises around the geopark. It is expected to bring prosperity to the surrounding neighbors as well,” Suharyono remarked.

He noted that this was one of the contributions of SOEs to the community. SOEs will continue to implement these beneficial programs to be further expanded as a manifestation of the presence of SOEs for all.


Source: Antara News

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