Younger brother stabs older sister, injures brother-in-law, dies over jealousy over property

Nakhon Sawan, An older sister and younger brother fought over a property dispute. The younger brother grabbed a knife and stabbed the older sister, causing injury. The brother-in-law ran in to help and was also stabbed. He then stabbed the older sister in the chest with a knife and beat her with a stick, causing her death.

Police from Tha Tako Police Station in Nakhon Sawan Province inspected a house next to Wat Khao Noi after receiving a report of a stabbing incident that left one person dead and one injured. At the scene, the body of Mr. Nikhom, 68, was found lying in a pool of blood next to the house with a knife stuck in his chest near his sternum. The injured person, Mrs. Khemthip, 60, the deceased’s wife, had wounds from a weapon on both her left and right arms. Rescue workers rushed her to the hospital for further treatment. The police were also able to arrest the perpetrator, Mr. Narongsak, 53, the injured person’s younger brother. Initial findings indicate that he is a psychiatric patient, so he wa
s taken for questioning at Tha Tako Police Station.

From the initial investigation, it was found that Mr. Narongsak often had arguments with his older sister, Ms. Khemthip, because he was suspicious and afraid that his sister would inherit all the property from her parents. Before the incident, Mr. Narongsak and Ms. Khemthip argued about the same old thing again before Mr. Narongsak used a knife to stab his older sister until she was injured. Mr. Nikhom heard his wife’s cries for help and ran over, causing Mr. Narongsak to stab her in the chest until the knife handle fell to the ground. Mr. Narongsak then went to get a stick and brutally beat her until Mr. Nikhom, his brother-in-law, died.

Source: Thai News Agency