4 Por. Confident that there is a provincial government officer involved in the Mae Wong casino tribute

19 May – 4 Por. Confident in tribute to Mae Wong Casino, Nakhon Sawan Province, there are provincial officials involved as well. Prepare for investigation issue an arrest warrant

Maj. Gen. Jaroonkiat Pankaew, NACC’s chief, Mr. Sornchai Chuwichian, assistant secretary-general of the NACC, Mr. Phumwisarn Kasemsuk, secretary-general of the NACC, and MP Supranee Satitchaicharoen, deputy spokesperson for the AMLO, joined a press conference to arrest the Mae Wong District Sheriff in Nakhon Sawan Province for being a solicitor. or accept property Or any other wrongful benefits according to Section 147 of the Criminal Code and charged with being an official wrongfully performing or omitting to perform duties under Section 157 by being arrested at the Mae Wong District Office building. last morning After receiving a complaint from the owner of the gamecock casino in the area of Mae Wong District that he was hit by the sheriff Forced to pay a tribute of 3,000 baht per month and forced to pay 3 months in advance, totaling 4 months, totaling 12,000 baht, claiming to be the fee for opening a gamecock casino. If they refuse to pay, their license will be revoked. Although the victim had previously paid 3 months in the amount of 9,

Maj. Gen. Jaroonkiat stated that in the area of Mae Wong District There are 17 gamecocks in total, and the victim is one of them who cannot stand the pressure. The victim stated that The gamecock casino has been at a loss for 2 months, but has to find money to pay tribute to raise the license at 3,000 baht per month and even has to pay in advance. more than ten thousand baht therefore unable to fight anymore Like being forced to exploit despite having to pay for a legal license each month They were also pressured by provincial government officials to pay.

Maj. Gen. Charoonkiet stated that the initial accused still refused. Claiming that such money is just a fee that the gamecock must pay But from the NACC’s investigation, it was found that the said fees were not issued to the victims. Therefore, this sheriff’s actions fall within the scope of the above offenses, including 2 karma, different karma on different occasions. The first time was to receive 3,000 baht for 4 months, but the victim had to pay only 3 months in the amount of 9,000 baht, so another month was overdue. arrears come to pay and receive another 3 months of advance fees, a total of 4 months, the amount of 12,000 baht, the victim therefore complained PPP to take action before the plan was overlaid By allowing the victim to pay money and take a copy of the bank as evidence Until the officers who observe the surrounding caught in the office with cash medium 12, 000 baht in the sheriff’s pants pocket When compared, it was found that the banknote numbers matched in every issue. therefore detained and reported the allegations and brought him in for interrogation at the CCP.

Mr. Sornchai said that after this, it is the duty of the PPP to investigate and expand the results. with a time frame of 30 days, which he believes This expansion Arrest warrants may also be issued for senior government officials involved in the matter. Because the victim confirmed that in addition to the sheriff, there are also provincial government officials to pressure them to pay.

Mr. Phumwisan stated that after this, the 4 Por. agencies will integrate together to inspect authorized civil servants. There is a misuse of power to seek benefits. damaging the image of civil servants If an offense is found, it will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency