98% of the public wants the police to investigate the cause of the bus fire.

Super Poll reveals 98 percent of people want police and related agencies to urgently find the cause of the bus fire, and 99.2 percent want safety reform for all groups, not just students.

Today (6 Oct. 2024) the Super Poll research center revealed the results of a survey on the safety of field trip buses. Who is responsible? The survey surveyed the opinions of people from all professions nationwide, totaling 1,006 samples, between 4-5 October 2024. On the issue of wanting the police and relevant agencies to quickly find the cause of the fire on a school field trip bus, it was found that 98 percent wanted it, while 2 percent wanted it.

As for the issue of the need for field trips, 66.8 percent said that field trips are still necessary, while 33.2 percent said that they are not necessary. In addition, regarding the need for travel safety reform covering all groups, 99.2 percent of the public said that they want safety reform covering all groups, not just students, and 0.8 percent said that they do not want i

As for the survey results on the responsibility of various agencies for the safety of educational tour buses, in order, it was found that 81.4 percent indicated the tour bus owner, the transportation service company, followed by 79.9 percent indicating the school that organized the tour, 67.9 percent the Department of Transport, and 64.2 percent the Ministry of Education.

As for the issue of preventive measures and solutions to the problem of insecurity of the state educational tour, it was found that 98.6 percent stated that all relevant agencies should jointly inspect safety, 91.6 percent stated that they should prepare and have emergency response measures, 97.4 percent should train drivers to meet safety standards, 96.5 percent should train teachers to supervise safe travel, 95.8 percent should train students to know how to survive in emergency situations, and 94.3 percent stated that they should assess risks and inspect before traveling.

Source: Thai News Agency