A motorcycle taxi overtook on the right and cut in front of a sedan driving in the opposite direction. The car collided and was thrown away, causing serious injuries.

A motorcycle with a sidecar suddenly changed lanes and was hit by a sedan. The driver was thrown and seriously injured.

CCTV footage in front of a house in Ban Tabong, Bosth Subdistrict, Phimai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, captured the moment of a road accident yesterday (September 13, 2014) at approximately 8:43 a.m. The footage shows a motorcycle with a sidecar carrying 3 people riding a motorcycle as usual on the Phimai-Chum Phuang Road in front of Ban Tabong Temple. They were riding along the route behind a black pickup truck. However, when they reached the accident site, the black pickup truck slowed down. The motorcycle with the sidecar suddenly overtook them into the right lane, which was when a sedan came along and crashed into the motorcycle with the sidecar, causing the 3 people, father, mother, and child, to be thrown off the motorcycle in different directions and sustain injuries.

At the scene of the accident, three injured people were found, two elderly men and one woman in serious c
ondition. Rescue workers gave them first aid before rushing them to Phimai Hospital. The motorcycle with the sidecar was found with its front badly damaged and without a license plate. A short distance away, the other party in the accident was found to have a black sedan from Bangkok with the front of the car damaged from the collision.

From asking the villagers who saw the incident, it was learned that the motorcycle with a sidecar was heading towards Phimai District, riding behind a pickup truck. But at the time of the incident, the pickup truck braked to slow down, causing the rider of the motorcycle with a sidecar to swerve to the right lane suddenly, causing the sedan driving in the opposite direction to crash head-on into it, resulting in the injuries mentioned above. Initially, the police officers will inspect the scene of the incident and call in both drivers for questioning to find the clear cause before using the evidence to support the case file for legal proceedings.

Source: Thai News Agency