A python hid in the toilet and bit the man’s testicles, causing him to bleed!

A young man was sitting on the toilet when a python swooped down from the toilet bowl and bit his testicles. He grabbed a toilet brush and beat the snake to death.

A Facebook user named Thanat Tangthewanon posted about his experience after being bitten on the genitals by a snake. He stated that the incident happened at 10 a.m. when he woke up to use the bathroom. Normally, before sitting on the toilet, he flushes the toilet first to prevent foreign objects. Today, he did the same thing and nothing was out of the ordinary, so he sat down.

After a while, I felt something bite my testicles. It hurt a lot. When I put my hand in, I hit the snake’s neck red-handed, so I pulled it out immediately. At that time, I didn’t feel pain, but rather shock. Then I used my hand to grab the snake’s neck tightly, trying to pull it out of the toilet, but the snake was very strong. No matter how much I pulled, I couldn’t get it out. In my anger, I used a toilet brush to hit it without stopping.

What I forgot was that my hand
was holding a snake, so when I swung, I hit my own hand full on, but I didn’t feel any pain. I swung until it was still and then pulled it out. The snake that I pulled out was dead, so I called the security guard to throw it away. I called my friend who lives next door to help take me to the hospital. Now I’m safe. Luckily, it was a non-venomous python. The doctor has scheduled another blood test to check my symptoms. What happened was so scary that I want to share it as a warning to everyone.

Source: Thai News Agency