“Ajarn Odd” thinks that cyanide should not be used to kill black chinned tilapia.

“Ajarn Odd” sees it as a risk if cyanide is used to kill black chinned tilapia. The substance may remain in the fish and anyone who eats it may be harmed.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wirachai Phutthawong or ‘Ajarn Odd’, a lecturer, academic in organic chemistry and assistant president for innovation and social enterprise at Kasetsart University, believes that it should not be used and should be the last resort if there are no other options because cyanide will bind to iron and red blood cells, which fish have red blood cells. This means that cyanide will remain in the fish. If someone eats it, they will also ingest cyanide. Studying from other countries that have solved the alien fish problem by using electric shock and other methods of elimination, the Fisheries Department is currently using push nets which can eliminate a large number of black chin tilapia and also help them consume them. Therefore, he does not agree with the use of cyanide because it has many risks.

Cyanide was used in the Vietnam War by putting t
he substance in the water to deal with the opposing side. However, it turned out that all the fish died. The enemy knew. Therefore, cyanide should not be used to solve the problem because the residue in the fish affects the environment and may affect other animals. Humans themselves will also be harmed in this matter.

Source: Thai News Agency