“Alongkot” has not yet commented on the proposed draft amendment to the constitution.

‘Alongkot’ asked not to comment on the case of political parties preparing to propose a draft amendment to the constitution because the ‘lower house’ must first consider it. He emphasized that the interests of the country and the people should be the main priority.

Mr. Alongkot Woraki, a member of the Senate, spoke about the preparation of the proposal of the draft amendment of the constitution by articles of some political parties, stating that he has no opinion on the matter yet because it is still a matter for the lower house or the House of Representatives to examine and see if there are any observations or not. The Senate will consider accordingly, taking into consideration the opinions of both the opposition and the government.

As for the proposal of political parties to review the conditions for party dissolution, Mr. Alongkot stated that he has not yet seen the details of the proposed amendment draft. However, in principle, the content of the draft amendment to the constitution must be considered t
o see whether it upholds the benefits of the nation and the people, and whether the draft will cause problems for the nation and the people.

Mr. Alongkot reiterated that it has not yet reached the point where there are personal reasons because he has not seen the substance of the MPs’ amendments and believes that the process is not that fast.

When asked whether the current Senate’s consideration of the draft amendment to the constitution would be different from the previous Senate, which mostly voted to reject almost every draft, Mr. Alongkot said that the new Senate has different perspectives because the new Senate comes from 20 professional groups, with representatives from each region, while the previous Senate was mainly recruited or appointed.

“In summary, I still have no opinion on this matter. It is the right of the lower house to decide what resolution, analysis, observations, and suggestions it has,” said Mr. Alongkot.

Source: Thai News Agency