‘Anutin’ plans to propose to the Cabinet to consider flood relief measures – believes the Northeast will not be as bad as the North

‘Anutin’ announced the opening of the Flood Situation Command Center, aiming to propose to the Cabinet on 17 Sept to decide on relief measures, believing that the Northeast will not be as flooded as the North, along the Mekong River in Nong Khai Province, which is considered a way of life, can adapt, trying to speed up the drainage of water to protect economic areas.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, as the Commander of the National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Office, announced after chairing the meeting of the National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Command (DDPM) to monitor the flood situation and provide assistance to flood victims in the North, Northeast, and Central regions that today is the opening of the command center under the authority of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act of 2007 and the Flood Response Plan because the current situation is a situation that we cannot be careless about and we are trying our best to manage the situation so th
at there is no widespread damage to the public. He confirmed that the government under the command of Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, the Prime Minister, is ready to provide assistance to the public in full. We have integrated assistance from all ministries and agencies into the area to provide assistance to the public. We have set up agencies in each area to facilitate the ordering of operations in the event of an emergency and have set up a joint information sharing to plan and implement the operation without duplication and waste of resources.

Mr. Anutin said that in order to prepare for and handle incidents effectively, the Ministry of Interior, in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, will link the War Room, the Flood Operations Center, MHESI, with the National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Command to jointly forecast and coordinate situation warnings for workers in the area and the public to receive information that is fast, accurate, clear, and unifie
d, including communicating risks regarding water situation information to risk areas that are targeted and timely, which will reduce losses and impacts on people in the area as much as possible.

Mr. Anutin said that today’s meeting has prepared for the assignment of responsibilities, including those who will have to help with prevention, both the National Security Council and the Royal Irrigation Department. As for disaster relief, it is the Ministry of Interior, provinces, military, and police. As for compensation for the people, the Prime Minister has ordered the Ministry of Interior and the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation to urgently compile a list of data on the hardships of the people, each household, so that the government can come up with relief measures. At present, the survey of the hardships of the people is expected to be completed before being submitted to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior for signature. It is expected that on September 17, it will be submitted
to the Cabinet for consideration to provide assistance in accordance with the Prime Minister’s order.

Mr. Anutin added that for indirect compensation, such as the Provincial Electricity Authority and the Provincial Waterworks Authority, which are urging the committee to consider reducing water and electricity bills for people in the area as soon as possible, it is expected that the details will be known within this week.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation has organized technological innovations, started planning to protect and share information, as well as food products and survival supplies that can be delivered to people affected by floods. In cases where people are stranded, have no convenience, no water or electricity, there will be ready-to-eat food with complete nutritional value, which will be an additional benefit because each province is ready to take care of accommodation, medicine and disease prevention.

Mr. Anutin said that some provinces where the situation has
improved must go in to restore and clean houses. The government will arrange personnel, equipment, and machinery to help people clean their houses and return them to normal as soon as possible. He emphasized that all provinces have been informed of the equipment, personnel, machinery, and action plans. Therefore, he would like to assure everyone that we will not abandon our fellow citizens and are ready to go in to provide assistance.

Regarding the water situation in Nong Khai Province, Mr. Anutin said that after visiting the area yesterday, preparations were made for the situation. It was learned that the water level had risen by about 1 meter this morning. The area has been working hard to build embankments and water retention walls to protect important economic areas. As for the areas along the riverbanks, this is a way of life for the locals that can adapt, but the officials are working hard to level the roads so that the water can drain out of the area easily. If there are no problems, it is expected th
at the water situation in the northeastern provinces will not be as severe as in the northern region. However, Nong Khai, Nakhon Phanom, and Bueng Kan have prepared to handle the situation.

As for the budget for aiding Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, Mr. Anutin said that the provincial governors have already approved a budget of 100 million baht. Any province that has been declared a disaster area will have an initial reserve of 20 million baht. However, if it is not enough, the provincial governors can request an increase in the budget, which the Comptroller General’s Department will expedite the process at this time.

Source: Thai News Agency