Ask the Prime Minister to use the ASEAN stage to talk with 3 countries to solve drug and flood problems.

Foreign Affairs Committee asks PM to use ASEAN leaders’ meeting to talk with 3 countries Myanmar – Cambodia – Laos to urgently solve drug and flood problems across borders. Call Center does not care about the drama of PM reading the script, emphasizing the content.

Mr. Chulalongkorn Yookes, Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, stated about the Prime Minister’s role at the ASEAN Summit in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic this week that from monitoring, Thailand still lacks the power in many issues to attract attention from non-ASEAN dialogue partners. In addition, there are new leaders of ASEAN countries attending the meeting, such as the Prime Minister of Singapore, the President of the Philippines, and the Prime Minister of Cambodia. Therefore, the attention of ASEAN dialogue partners such as China, South Korea, Japan, the United States, and Australia may be focused on these leaders, especially the Prime Minister of Singapore and the President of the Philip
pines. The Prime Minister of Thailand may not receive time for face-to-face negotiations, but please do not pay too much attention to this matter. I would like you to pay attention to the results of this meeting, focusing on negotiations with the leaders of Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia on 3 issues that we seriously want to reduce or eliminate these problems: drug problems, cross-border flooding problems caused by natural routes along the border, and call center problems. I would like the Prime Minister to specifically state Thailand’s intentions, such as specifying the time period within which Thailand intends to cooperate in reducing or eliminating these problems, such as 1 or 2 years from now, and do not bring them up for negotiations in vain.

‘I only ask for 3 issues: drugs, cross-border flooding, and call centers. Please negotiate to find a way and have an effect on the negotiations of the leaders of these neighboring countries. If the negotiations are successful, please let the Prime Minister announce to
the public when he returns to Thailand. It will be very beneficial to the Thai people and show the potential of the country’s leaders. It is worth it that the Prime Minister attended the first ASEAN meeting because shaking hands and taking pictures is just a ritual. Finally, I would like to encourage the Prime Minister and think that in the next 2-3 national meetings, he will be more confident,’ said Mr. Chulapong.

As for the drama of the Prime Minister reading a script at the Leaders’ Forum, Mr. Chulapong said that it was not the essence of the content. What was interesting was what was said, which he had not yet seen the details from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so it was not considered essential.

Source: Thai News Agency