Augment oxygen production capacity before conducting imports: DPR

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Member of the House of Representatives’ (DPR’s) Commission VII Mulyanto called on the government to optimize the production capacity of oxygen gas in the country before taking the decision to import it.

“It would be more effective and beneficial to boost the national economy,” Mulyanto noted in a written statement here on Thursday.

Mulyanto sought a meticulous evaluation of the problem by the government to then be followed by pertinent steps and policies to dispel any panic and avoid direct imports of oxygen gas.

DPR’s Commission VII member reminded the government that the oxygen gas trade had so far been better, with an indication of a continued decline in the number of imports.

Mulyanto also cited data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) that showed a sharp plummet in gas imports, from 3.9 million tons in 2017 to merely 1.3 million tons in 2020.

“As compared to the domestic production of oxygen gas of 640 million tons per year, our imports of oxygen gas are only 0.2 percent. This means 99.8 percent of our oxygen gas requirements are met by domestic production,” he stated.

This requirement is still met by the production capacity of 74 percent, while 26 percent of the capacity is still unutilized, or around 225 million tons annually.

“This is a proud achievement. In fact, some time ago, we succeeded in providing oxygen gas assistance to India,” Mulyanto pointed out. Moreover, Mulyanto urged the government to be heedful of the aspects of supervision, especially pertaining to distribution networks, including transportation.

In the meantime, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Erick Thohir continues to ensure the contribution of state-owned companies in meeting the community’s oxygen requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly during the implementation of emergency Restrictions in Community Activity (PPKM).

Thohir pointed to the active involvement of strategic state-owned companies, such as Pertamina Group including PGN, Krakatau Steel, Pupuk Indonesia Group, Petrokimia, PUSRI, and Pelindo, in providing logistics infrastructure.

“SOEs are moving quickly in all sectors, especially in facilitating the availability of oxygen. Several state-owned companies have also distributed oxygen to many areas that need it,” according to Thohir.

With the facilities owned ranging from materials to distribution networks, the minister underscored that SOEs remain focused on helping to tackle the pandemic. Thohir remains sanguine that the swift steps taken by state-owned companies will help to promptly respond to the community’s requirements.

Meanwhile, Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita is upbeat that industry players would cooperate and understand the situation that has prompted his ministry to prioritize the current oxygen production in handling COVID-19 patients.

The ministry also issued Instruction of the Minister of Industry Number 1 of 2021 on Oxygen Products as Industrial Strategic Commodities in the COVID-19 Period. Through this instruction, the ministry is optimistic of the domestic industry fulfilling the oxygen requirements for handling COVID-19 patients.


Source: Antara News

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