“Bhumitham” Chong appointed General Trisak as secretary. Minister of Defense

“Bhumitham” Chong appointed General Trisak as Secretary of the Cabinet The Minister of Defense is confident that the Armed Forces will work well. Reveal the military for no more than a month. Sept.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Mr. Phumdum Vechayachai, said about the appointment of political officials in the Ministry of Defense. The Minister of Defense signed the appointment of General Trisak Intararasmi, a former qualified Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters Preparing for the 10th generation of soldiers on September 13. On this day, in addition to worshipping the holy things at the Ministry of Defense, they will listen to the work and have a meal together and talk with the four armies and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense about the government’s goal and intention that we will go in to cooperate and help each other develop to support the work for the people.

As for the preparation of the annual appointment and transfer of military officers. Mr. Phumtham said that today he
will look into the details. After learning from the media and talking to the military. As for whether it will be finished or not, I don’t have to watch it again, and I think it should be finished within next week. If it is not finished, the time will be extended a little. He extended the time and confirmed that he would complete it as soon as possible and would officially talk to the Commander-in-Chief. As for the news that the appointment of the Navy is quite problematic, it must be said that there are problems with the selection or personnel each year, but it has ended well every year, and this year it should end well because I believe that everyone should not have impure intentions. In the army, where are the criteria? How do you think each person has good or bad things to think should end?

When asked about the appointment of political officials. In other positions, will it be presented to the Cabinet on September 17? Mr. Phumtham said that he will appoint political officials who are ready. If they are no
t ready, they have time. The Minister and the Assistant Minister are still under consideration, but they will do it as soon as possible because they want them to work.

In the case of news that Mr. Jirayu Wongsup will take over the position of spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr. Bhumitham said that he did not know who was proposed, but he believed that the personnel at the party and the Prime Minister We try to arrange people to be suitable for the job.

Source: Thai News Agency