“Bhumitham” has ordered the rescue of the Nong Khai flood.

“Bhumitum” The Minister of Defense revealed that he has ordered the rescue of the Nong Khai flood. As for the mud at various points in Mae Sai District. Chiang Rai Province has ordered the Army Region 3 Big Cleaning to finish first.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Mr. Phumtham Vechayachai, said about the flood situation in Nong Khai Province that from the beginning, he had instructed the Commander of Region 2 to warn and help people evacuate their belongings. Chiang Rai Province has instructed to complete the big cleaning first. We must quickly remove the mud from various points. If left until it is hard and dry, it will make restoration even more difficult. The SEAL unit has already requested forces to go to Nong Khai Province.

Mr. Bhumitham continued that he is currently working with the Governor of Nong Khai Province. The Prime Minister will call another meeting of the various departments at 2 p.m. at the Government House, where the role of each department will be determined, and the Pri
me Minister may set up a water steering committee this time as an emergency because there may be a need for relevant committees, both the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Defense.

However, in Mae Sai District, there is still a problem at Pha Zhong Cave, which has quite a lot of muddy soil. The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior have been coordinated to help. As for the hill, we rarely talk about it because it is a landslide. Unable to come down to get food, they coordinated with a helicopter to deliver food. We try to be as thorough as possible. From now on, there is a plan to look at various parts because we have seen that some of the water, such as the Nong Khai Province area, the area around the river bank is quite low, so the water overflows quickly, so we are trying to solve the problem.

Currently, there is a lot of mud in Mae Sai District, Mr. Phumtham said that at the moment, all parties involved, including the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry
of Defense, the Ministry of Home Affairs The Ministry of Transport has already discussed. It has been dug out and a place has already been provided. There is no problem that these soils come from landslides, so they can be used for farmers’ cultivation. As for the military barracks themselves, they can accommodate it.

When asked if they have prepared for the area where the water will flow down. Mr. Bhumitham said that preparations have been made. However, there is a problem of the elderly who are worried about their property and refuse to leave their homes.

When asked, it seems that there will be another storm. Mr. Phumtham said that he knew that there were two more water that did not arrive in Thailand, probably to the north of Myanmar, which would not have much of a problem, but we are watching by having the front water management center stationed at the front unit to see the details, so I think there should be no problem. however Now a coordination center has been set up to be able to work more integrate
d. Therefore, I would like to tell the people that the government cares about the problems that have arisen. The Prime Minister did not rest on his laurels, various units were established and organized in the area, not abandoned, and government agencies entered from the first day of the problem. The situation is now starting to unravel. If the rain does not fall as hard as in the past and the storm does not enter. The situation will return to normal sooner.

Source: Thai News Agency