“Chalermchai” reiterates that the Democrat Party is ready to perform all duties.

“Chalermchai” reiterates that the Democrat Party is ready to do all duties. As the opposition, we will do our best for the benefit of our fellow citizens. He insists that the Democrat Party will return with the faith of the people, not to create an image.

After the meeting of the Democrat Party’s Executive Committee, Mr. Chalermchai Sri-on, the party leader, said that today’s meeting was to discuss the work of the party’s Executive Committee, report on the party’s direction to move forward strongly, and what problems have been solved. In the evening, Mr. Pramuan Pongthawaradej, the chairman of the MPs, called a meeting of the party’s MPs, which will be discussed. As for what the resolution will be, we will have to listen to the meeting again.

‘I would like to reiterate that today the Democrat Party is ready to do all duties. It’s not like we just want to return to being the government. No, we’re in the opposition and we’re doing our best. But everything must be done for the benefit of our brothers and siste
rs, the people, and the country. At the same time, we must make the party move forward steadily,’ said Dr. Chalermchai.

Along with answering reporters’ questions about concerns about the prime ministerial vote, whether it would go against the party’s resolution, he said he was not worried. He wanted people to look back. He asked why they voted that time, and everyone said they wanted the country to move forward.

‘In the past, the Democrat Party has not joined the government, but no one has said that the Democrat Party is a political party that loves the country and wants the country to move forward. They have not made demands or had anything to do with them. We have to look at it from this perspective as well. We should not say that everything is wrong before the incident happens,’ said Dr. Chalermchai.

As for the view that there may be an announcement to dissolve the parliament earlier than scheduled, is the Democrat Party ready to send candidates? The leader of the Democrat Party said that all political
parties have the same answer. Political parties must be ready to enter the election. It depends on the person with the power to dissolve the parliament and what is the reason for the dissolution.

‘I am a lawyer. I try to say that dissolving the parliament is a royal prerogative. Therefore, we must think carefully before we speak. The prime minister is only a person in a position to make a proposal. When we talk about this, we must try not to go beyond the bounds. As for politics, when will the election be? We must be ready. As for being the opposition or the government, it depends on the situation at that time. But today, I asked and today I can answer that no Democrat has talked about forming a government,’ said the leader of the Democrat Party.

For the party’s driving direction, especially recruiting additional members, Mr. Chalermchai said that party members are the heart of the Democrat Party. Today, we are recruiting from all over the country with a clear goal. Last week, Mr. Decha-ism Khaothong, the p
arty secretary, led the party’s MPs and officials to recruit members in Songkhla Province, resulting in the first group of lifelong party members who are committed and ready to drive the party forward, totaling about 4,000 people. This is considered the starting point, and every province will do the same.

‘The Democrat Party will return again, and it will return with the faith of the people, not by creating an image. The Democrat Party will change in many ways. You will see that I have set up many working groups, with new generations playing a role in driving the party forward. I have set up working groups, asking Mr. Surin Palare, Mr. Naris Khamnurak, Mr. Yunaidee Waba, and Mr. Rachit, who are Thai-Buddhists, to help take care of the area, help the deputy party leader and party secretary in the 4 southern border provinces. These people know the problems, how we will proceed, what policies to respond to, and solve the problems most directly. Please give time, give the Democrat Party a chance. If it is not ri
ght, do not criticize. If you have any doubts, please ask,’ said Mr. Chalermchai.

As for the overall view of the MPs’ performance, the Democrat Party leader replied that he was satisfied because today, in addition to working in the parliament, communication must also be developed, and we are doing our best.

“I am confident that the Democrat Party today, on the day that I am the party leader, has unity. No need to say that there is this group or that group. There is none. I am speaking in front of everyone here. The Democrat Party is one. Please believe it. And it is the duty of all of us to help each other. It is not the duty of any one person. Even the party members who just became members today will be the force that helps all of us as well,” said Mr. Chalermchai.-312.

Source: Thai News Agency