“Chuan” suggests that the government wants Thai people to be reconciled, but must not discriminate.

Chuan” suggests that if the government wants Thai people to be reconciled, it must not discriminate. He warned the Prime Minister and Ministers to administer the country according to the oath, be honest, uphold the interests of the country, and uphold the constitution. Do not administer the country for the benefit of your own political party.

The parliamentary meeting, chaired by Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, the president of the parliament, discussed the policy of the government of Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, with Mr. Chuan Leekpai, MP of the Democrat Party, discussing today’s debate, whether in the position of the opposition party or the government, but the truth is the truth, which cannot change according to the status. Therefore, the information to be discussed on the southern border provinces, which the previous time wanted to include the policy on the southern border provinces, which the government did not specify at all, and now it has been included, even if it is only one line.

By raising the probl
em of the southern border provinces, based on the principle that life is more valuable than money, taking away economic policy and losing tens of thousands or hundreds of billions is not as good as the lives of 7,500 people who lost their lives from mistakes in security policy. The success in solving the problem lies in accepting the truth about what caused it all on April 8, 2001. The south is an important area, so a way to bring peace must be found.

And referring to the Prime Minister’s policy statement that mentioned unity and reconciliation, which he saw that no one disagreed with, but unity and reconciliation can only happen if everyone is treated equally and without discrimination, which has been stated in every previous government since the government of General Prayut Chan-o-cha.

“The government should review the past period and see what caused the dissatisfaction, the conflict and the disharmony, which arose from the feeling of not being treated equally,” said Mr. Chuan.

Mr. Chuan continued his di
scussion on the success of implementing the policies announced by the government, referring to the Prime Minister’s interview after taking the oath of office, regarding the application of the royal address to the administration of the country, regarding the performance of duties with honesty and integrity for the benefit of the country and the people, and to uphold and comply with the Constitution in every respect.

‘Honesty means that when the cabinet comes to administer the country, there are civil servants, agencies, ministries, departments, civil servants who have climbed up the ranks. We must respect civil servants, honesty, and integrity in appointing them with honesty and integrity, not using their positions as a price. These ministries and departments are only worth that. If we do this, honesty and integrity cannot be achieved. I would like to say that honesty and integrity as politicians in the executive branch must be practiced based on the principles of good governance, which are morality and ethic
s, giving those people the opportunity to show their abilities, not with a price. Otherwise, we will not be able to maintain our honesty and integrity, and we will get bad people to work. We will succeed only when we have people to help us,’ said Mr. Chuan.

Performing duties for the benefit of the country and the people, even though it is a short word, if it can be done, it will not only benefit the country and the people, but it will also benefit the parliamentary system of governance, which at present has laxity that makes people feel that the system of governance does not benefit the majority of the people, becoming a system like whoever has longer hands takes advantage. I would like the Cabinet to make it clear that the administration is not for the benefit of your political party, not for the benefit of your constituency, but must consider the benefit of the country and the people. Any organization that is a tool for the administration of the country must not serve political parties or politicians. If t
his is the case, the confidence in the system of governance will be strong and the administration will be seen as effective. Those who think that this system is ineffective blame the system, but in reality, it is about the implementation.

As for the implementation of the constitution, the government has written policies on this principle in many periods. But we must accept the truth that the rule of law is the heart of governance. The problems in the South that were mentioned above, if the rule of law had been adhered to from the beginning, that is, the legislature made laws, the executive carried out administration according to the law, and the judiciary made decisions, problems would have arisen. But coincidentally, at one point the executive branch was used as the court.

If we believe in the rule of law, there will be no situation that is toxic to the country. I would like to emphasize all three points by taking the oath as the government has said. The past government has also taken the oath. So why are
there still problems, people being prosecuted, fleeing the case, or being imprisoned? The answer is that even though the oath has been taken, it has not been followed.

Source: Thai News Agency