Collaboration is key to effectively handling COVID-19: Minister Plate

Mutual cooperation and collaboration have proven to be crucial to Indonesia’s success in overcoming difficult times, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate.

Plate noted that strengthening collaboration between all parties was expected to help the Indonesian nation surmount the pandemic.

“The role of citizens, from the private sector, SMEs, organizations, communities, and also every individual, is vital to helping the community or people around us during the pandemic, especially during the enforcement of public activity restrictions (PPKM),” Plate remarked here on Monday.

The minister stated that currently, several business actors from the private sector and community had gone directly to the field to assist in addressing the pandemic, including through donations, such as oxygen and basic necessities. “We are all optimistic that such collaborations would be continued and strengthened. With the spirit of mutual cooperation and collaboration between the Indonesian people, let us work together, hand-in-hand, to ease the burden on others in dealing with the pandemic, especially during the PPKM period,” he stated.

Meanwhile, KALBU Chief Visionary Officer Iman Hanggaautomo noted that the pandemic not only had an impact on physical health but also the mental well-being of the wider community.

On account of the lack of public attention and understanding of the importance of mental health, they offer a platform to connect people seeking to hold discussions or consultations on mental health with qualified mental health practitioners.

He also invited people to help those ailing from mental problems due to the pandemic. He noted that this can be achieved in simple ways, such as reassuring them that they are not alone and encouraging them not to be afraid of receiving the support and care they need.


Source: Antara News

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