Corrections Department monitors and controls monkeypox in prisons nationwide

The Department of Corrections has urged all prisons and correctional institutions to strictly monitor and prevent monkeypox in accordance with the measures of the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health.

The Department of Corrections has urgently urged all prisons and correctional institutions to monitor and strictly comply with the guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and surveillance of monkeypox (MPox) according to the measures of the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health. If any inmates suspected of being infected with monkeypox are found, they must coordinate with the network hospital or local public health agency and immediately report the discovery of monkeypox infections to the Medical Service Division of the Department of Corrections. The guidelines for monitoring, prevention and control of monkeypox are as follows:

1. Isolate newly admitted inmates for 5 days and inquire about their travel history from, or living in, or having close contact with people from coun
tries where monkeypox outbreaks have been reported in the country within 21 days before returning to Thailand.

Observe symptoms and investigate monkeypox as follows: Fever with sore throat, headache, muscle pain, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, and a rash that starts as a red bump and changes into a raised bump, a clear blister, a pustule, or a scab depending on the severity of the disease. 3. Publicize and provide knowledge and understanding about monkeypox to prison officers. 4. Instruct prison officers and inmates to wear masks when with others, avoid sharing personal items with others, and wash hands with soap

frequently. 5. Clean frequently touched surfaces in prisons and correctional facilities regularly

. 6. If an inmate is suspected of being infected with monkeypox, isolate them from other inmates and closely monitor symptoms, especially vulnerable inmates. Coordinate with the network hospital or local public health agency to investigate the disease and immediately initiate treatment. 7. Report all
suspected inmates infected with monkeypox to the Medical Services Division immediately via the Line group ‘Report Epidemics in Prisons’ because monkeypox is a communicable disease that must be monitored according to the Communicable Diseases Act.

The Department of Corrections has strictly implemented the guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of monkeypox infection in order to prepare for, promote control and prevention of the spread of the disease. It believes that if all parties can comply with the guidelines for monitoring, prevention and control of monkeypox, it will help to effectively control and prevent the spread of the disease. At present, no prisoners have been found to be infected with monkeypox in any prison.

Source: Thai News Agency