COVID-19: Navy holds mass vaccination in North Jakarta

To expand COVID-19 vaccination coverage, the Indonesian Navy organized mass vaccinations targeting 400 residents at a school in the Kalibaru area of Cilincing in North Jakarta on Monday, an official informed.

The mass vaccination was hosted at the North Jakarta 53 State Middle School and targeted 400 recipients in the 12-59 age group, the Navy said in a statement.

“The enthusiasm of the local community is very high. It can be seen from the time registration opened at 8 a.m. local time; local residents were already queuing up to get the vaccine immediately,” Commander of the Indonesian Navy’s Hydro-Oceanography Center (Pushidrosal), Vice Admiral Agung Prasetiawan, said while reviewing the mass vaccinations.

The participants were asked to form a queue and follow the health protocols so that all participants could be served, he added.

The vaccination activity took place from 8 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. local time, he informed. The vaccination process was divided into several stages: registration, health examination and medical history screening, vaccination, and observation of post-vaccination events for a period of 30 minutes, he said.

The mass vaccination program was organized in response to high demand from the public to receive vaccines in the Kalibaru area, Cilincing, North Jakarta, Prasetiawan added.

For the program, Sinovac and AstraZeneca shots were provided for the second dose recipients, and Pfizer jabs were given to first dose recipients, he disclosed. The program involved 14 vaccinators from the Pushidrosal Health Service, he added.

The activity served as a contribution from the Indonesian Navy to help the government achieve its goal of creating herd immunity and suppressing the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia, he said.

Prasetiawan urged the public to continue to implement the health protocols with a disciplined approach even after getting vaccinated. He asked people to make it a habit to wash hands with soap and running water, wear masks, maintain distance, stay away from crowds, and limit mobility and social interactions.

“Even though they have been vaccinated, people must continue to implement health protocols,” he said.

The vaccination campaign in North Jakarta was in accordance with President Joko Widodo’s goal to vaccinate 70 percent of Indonesian citizens by the end of 2021.

Recently, during the UOB Economic Outlook 2022 virtual seminar, the President had revealed that 72.76 million people, or 34.94 percent of the Indonesian population, had been vaccinated so far, indicating the nation is halfway to achieving its goal.


Source: Antara News

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