Deputy Minister of Agriculture Talks with ambassadors to find measures to solve the problem of flooding and drought in the Mekong River

Marith” Deputy Minister of Agriculture Talks with the Ambassadors of the 5 Mekong Countries to Discuss Joint Solutions to the Mekong River Flood and Drought Affirmed that Thailand is ready to be the leader of the Mekong River management capacity together.

Mr. Marit Sengampong, Minister of Foreign Affairs Discussed with the Ambassadors of the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) of 5 countries in Thailand, including: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand to initiate cooperation to solve the problem of flooding in the Mekong River Basin that affects the people. Seek cooperation with countries affected by the Mekong River as soon as possible.

Mr. Marit confirmed that Thailand. Ready to host the mobilization of all forces. The ACMECS sub-regional cooperation framework will be used as an important mechanism to drive long-term solutions to the Mekong River flood and drought problems, including the Mekong Institute for Economic Development (Mekong Institute) and the Mekon
g River Commission (MRC), which is an organization that provides academic knowledge and strengthens the capacity of Mekong River management to jointly develop an early warning system. River dredging, development of water catchment areas, and infrastructure for Mekong River management in the future.

“I would like to thank the Ambassadors of ACMECS member countries to Thailand, namely Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam, for attending the discussion and responding to the initiative to cooperate to solve the Mekong flood today. Mr. Marit said.

However, The Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) was initiated during the government of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in 2003 and is a cooperation framework that Thailand is the coordinating country. The main goal is to promote economic cooperation such as trade, investment, tourism and agriculture. We see an opportunity to support neighboring countries and develop the country better according to the policy of “prosper-thy-neig
hbour” because if everyone has a good well-being, it will greatly benefit the people together.

Source: Thai News Agency