Deputy PM urges strategic, focused investments in national target programmes

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang requested localities to make strategic and focused investments under the three national target programmes for greater efficiency while chairing a teleconference with 14 northern mid-land and mountainous provinces in Yen Bai province on August 10.

The Deputy PM, who is also head of the Central Steering Committee for National Target Programmes, said localities should strive to fully disburse the funding transferred from 2022 to 2023 and at least 90% of the 2023 budget.

During the 2021-2025 period, over 47 trillion VND (2.7 billion USD) has been allocated to northern mid-land and mountainous provinces to carry out the three national target programmes.

As of June 30, over 3.7 trillion VND were disbursed, or 32.63% of the annual plan, 4.43% higher than the country’s average. All 14 localities disbursed their own budget for the programmes, including Yen Bai 100%, Lao Cai and Ha Giang over 65%.

The multidimensional poverty rate has dropped to 25.69% while the poverty rate in ethnic minority groups has been reduced by 3.61% on average. As many as 963 out of over 2,000 communes in the region have met criteria for new rural development.

Delegates at the event proposed solutions to tackling difficulties in implementing the national target programmes and offered opinions on the draft revised Land Law.

In the morning the same day, Deputy PM Quang also held a working session with the Yen Bai authorities on the implementation of the national target progammes./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency