Differently abled people experiencing inequality in employment

People living with disabilities are still experiencing social inequality due to stigma and community stereotypes, especially in the employment sector, director of domestic workforce placement at the Manpower Ministry, Nora Kartika Setyaningrum, has said.

She made the statement during a webinar on ‘National Action Plan: Entering the Era of the Expansion of Inclusive Development for Disabled People’, originating from here on Tuesday.

Access to information regarding job vacancies, education, and job training has not been provided inclusively for all types of disabilities, she noted. Moreover, public service accessibility for people living with disabilities is also inadequate, she said.

Hence, the government needs to prepare supporting regulations and build collaboration between related stakeholders from central to regional levels, Setyaningrum said.

“Employment service – including the employment of persons with disabilities — requires acceleration and strengthening attempts carried out by the regional manpower offices,” she added. Furthermore, she also advised the government to massively publicize each policy and strengthen the commitment of central and local governments to accelerate the implementation of employment services for people living with disabilities.

“Employment service is mandatory service that must be carried out by the government. It has been regulated by the central government to be carried out by regional governments,” she stated while explaining Government Regulation Number 60/2020.

The government should involve the private sector as before by making agreements with private businesses and industrial estates to employ disabled workers as well as providing employment guidelines to be applied by the private sector, Setyaningrum said.

“Later, we will launch a membership program at the ministry to promote the supply of workers and employers. We will encourage the related parties to join the employment information system,” she added.

Besides, state-owned companies also need to employ at least two percent and private enterprises have to hire one percent of people living with disabilities, she said.


Source: Antara News

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