Election Commission reveals 10 petitions to dissolve parties, 2 have been rejected

The EC secretary-general revealed that there are 10 petitions to dissolve political parties and the facts are being collected. Two petitions have been rejected because the petitioners’ petitions focused on asking the question ‘yes or no’ but did not contain any facts.

Today (28 September), Mr. Sa-nguan Boonmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission (EC), gave an interview about the petitions related to the dissolution of political parties. He said that there are currently more than 10 petitions filed, whether they are about dissolving political parties, requesting to be removed from the position of Prime Minister or Minister, which are in the process of the EC office to collect facts. Initially, there are some cases that will not be accepted because the petitions are not in the form of petitions, but are asking questions such as ‘yes or no?’, which is an observation, with no facts at all. However, the petition must state what he did wrong, which section he violated, with facts to support it, not aski
ng questions and asking the EC whether it is or is not, like taking words from the newspaper and asking us. As for the office, it will find facts to some extent before deciding whether to accept the petitions for action or not. As for the petitions that are under investigation, it is still not possible to say what the results will be. We have to see how the facts and the law are in that case. He confirmed that there will be no delay.

‘The office wants to give the public an opportunity to participate in politics. The petitions include the petitioner’s name, accusations, offenses, and facts. However, some petitions do not contain the information mentioned, so we will examine them. However, when we cannot proceed, there is nothing, so we do not take action on 2 cases.’

Source: Thai News Agency