Floodwaters from Khao Yai forest overflow into 2 villages in Nadi District, Prachin Buri Province

Prachin Buri, Floodwaters from Khao Yai overflowed into two villages in Nadi District, Prachin Buri Province, causing several resorts to be submerged and cut off from the outside world.

A large mass of water from Khao Yai flowing down a canal before overflowing and flooding the area of ??Village No. 5, Saphan Hin Subdistrict and Village No. 9, Ban Kradieng, Nadi Subdistrict, Nadi District, Prachin Buri Province in the middle of last night, causing villagers to rush to move their belongings and pets out of the area because the water had overflowed so high that the road between the villages was cut off. The Nadi District Defense Department had to use 2 flat-bottomed boats to help move people and pets to higher ground amidst the constant rain.

In addition to the canals, the mass of water from the accumulation of rain also caused the water in the Sai Yai River to overflow and flood several famous resorts. At that time, the reporter tried to travel to the flooded resort, but was warned by the president of the P
rachin Buri Tourism Association and the resort owner that the mass of water had expanded and it was unpredictable which areas were at risk. It was not recommended to go in at all because the current could swept away the car and cause damage.

Two districts of Prachin Buri are still flooded, fear of flash floods again.

However, this morning (July 30), reporters went to the area and found that the situation is still worrying. It is still raining all the time, causing the floodwater to remain at the same level. The resort owner is worried that another wave of floodwater will overflow again. As for the situation in Ban Bu Khan Chai, Saphan Hin Subdistrict, more than 50 households have been hit the hardest, as their homes have been flooded, blocking the entrances and exits. Some residents said that they had to wade through water that was almost 1 meter high to get out of their homes to go to work, and they are still waiting for help from relevant agencies.

Source: Thai News Agency