Four piers to be built for Bangka Belitung inter-island access

Pangkalpinang (ANTARA) – The Bangka Belitung provincial authority has planned to construct four boat piers to enhance inter-island transport connectivity and to boost economic development for residents of small islands in the province.

“We will soon commence the open tendering for construction of new piers on small islands,” Bangka Belitung Governor Erzaldi Rosman Djohan stated during a discussion with the general manager of the state-owned national ferry operator PT ASDP Indonesia West Bangka branch Ferry, here, Thursday.

The four new piers are projected to augment inter-island connectivity among small islands and boost accessibility and boost the economy for residents of minor islands and the coastal area. On completion, the four piers will offer direct access from Sadai Island to Tanjung Pinang and from Sadai Island to Lepar, Pongok, Nasik, and Seliu islands as well to regions in Tanjung Pandan. “Preparations of work details related to the construction of boat piers for Lepar, Pongok, Selat Nasik, and Seliu islands are underway,” Governor Djohan remarked.

To improve port service, the governor also announced a new passenger and service fare to be applied from August 2021. The new fare is based on the Bangka Belitung Governor’s Regulation No. 188 of 2021 on inter-district economy class ferry fares.

“The applied new fare is the same as the previous normal fare. Since 2014, the tariff price was lowered in response to the decline in fuel price, but we decided to restore the normal price for this year,” Djohan expounded.

The governor is optimistic that PT ASDP Indonesia, as the ferry operator for routes within Bangka Belitung Province, would accommodate the fare change and allocate sufficient boats to serve the four islands at varied fares based on the direct or transit routes.

“We are upbeat that PT ASDP Indonesia would allocate sufficient fleets to enable transport to the four islands with the provision of different boats. We plan to have a direct and transit route for the boats, each with different fares. We expect the pier to be ready this year, and the ships will be ready in the next year,” the governor remarked.


Source: Antara News

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