G20 leaders invite developing nations to help manage Pandemic Fund

G20 leaders have invited representatives from civil society organizations and developing countries to play a role in managing the Pandemic Fund.

Outlined in the Bali Declaration produced at the culmination of the G20 Summit in Bali, the invitation is a part of G20 efforts to ensure that the Pandemic Fund is managed in an inclusive manner.

In the Bali Leaders’ Declaration, announced in Bali on Wednesday, G20 leaders have acknowledged the central role of the World Health Organization (WHO), especially in relation to technical expertise and coordination.

This reflects the organization’s leadership in global health architecture.

The Pandemic Fund was formed during Indonesia’s presidency of the G20 this year.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo unveiled the fund on Sunday, two days before the G20 Summit at the Apurva Kempinski, Nusa Dua, Bali.

Based on the G20 leaders’ agreement, the establishment of the Pandemic Fund is one of the measures for reducing the funding gap of US$10 billion for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response every year.

This funding gap has been estimated by the G20 High-Level Independent Panel, WHO, and World Bank.

Since August 2022, the Pandemic Fund has gathered US$1.4 billion, or around Rp21.7 trillion, from 24 donors.

The donors comprise 21 countries and 3 philanthropic institutions.

The countries comprise the European Union, the United States, Italy, Indonesia, China, Japan, Germany, Canada, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Australia, Singapore, Norway, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands, France, and South Africa.

Meanwhile, the philanthropic institutions comprise the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust.

The European Commission and the United States have emerged as the biggest contributors with a fund commitment of US$450 million each.

Meanwhile, Indonesia has contributed US$50 million to the Pandemic Fund.

The G20 has invited other countries to contribute to the Pandemic Fund.

“We call on new donors to join the Pandemic Fund, as they are able to,” G20 leaders remarked in the Bali Declaration.


Source: Antara News

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