Ideological preparedness is essential to protect the nation from the threats of radicalism and terrorism, prevention director of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Brigadier General R Ahmad Nurwakhid, has said.
“National preparedness to fight radicalism and terrorism is not only on the physical or military aspects performed by the government and relevant authorities but also on the ideological aspect,” Nurwakhid remarked at a youth seminar on the prevention of radicalism and terrorism, which was broadcast on MT Darul Hasyimi Jogja’s YouTube channel and accessed from Jakarta on Tuesday.
Ideological preparedness can be realized through “ideological vaccination”, which refers to utilizing a religious approach for instilling nationalism and Pancasila values among Indonesian youth, he said.
He also highlighted the importance of the religious approach for tackling the narratives of radicals and terrorist groups who often deride nationalism, native culture, and Pancasila as incompatible with religious values.
Ideological preparedness will protect Indonesians, mostly using a moderate approach toward religious issues, from radicalism and terrorism, he said.
“Ideological preparedness is important to ensure 87.8 percent of moderate Indonesians — in contrast with 12.2 percent of residents assessed in the BNPT survey in 2020 to have an inclination to support radicalism — have adequate ‘immunity’ from radical and terrorism-related thoughts,” Nurwakhid noted.
Besides ideological preparedness, necessary measures must be taken to rescue residents who have been exposed to radicalism and terror ideologies, the director said.
Promoting religious moderation and counter-radicalization strategies through counter-narratives and counter-propaganda must also continue, he added.
“Counter-radicalization must be promoted on social media because a recent survey has revealed that 67 percent of religious-themed social media content is leaning toward promoting intolerant and radical values,” Nurwakhid remarked.
Source: Antara News