Indonesia – Floods and Landslides (BMPB, BMKG) (ECHO Daily Flash of 25 August 2022)

• On 22 August, floods and landslides caused by heavy rainfall occurred in Sorong City (West Papua Province, Indonesia), leading to casualties.

• According to the Indonesian National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB), three people died and ten others were injured after a landslide event. About 2,500 people have been affected by flooding, and 2,000 persons were displaced to relief camps. Floodwaters damaged 1,025 houses.

• National authorities are carrying out disaster relief operations and distributing food and non-food items.

• On 25-26 August, moderate to heavy rainfall accompanied by lightning and strong winds is forecast over West Papua Province, including Sorong City.

Source: European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

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