Indonesia’s terror risk index declines; drops lower than RPJMN target

Indonesia’s terrorism risk index (IRT) in 2021 dropped lower than the threshold set in the Medium-Term National Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024, Chief of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Boy Rafli Amar has informed.

The terrorism risk index reached 52.22 percent, or lower than the target of 54.36 percent, while the perpetrator dimension index stood at 30.29 percent, or lower than the target of 38.14 percent set in RPJMN, he said during a working meeting with Commission II of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Under RPJM, the IRT target dimension was 54.46 percent and IRT perpetrator dimension was 38.24 percent for 2020, he noted. For 2021, the IRT target dimension was pegged at 54.36 percent and IRT perpetrator dimension at 38.14 percent, he said.

For 2022, the IRT target dimension has been set at 54.26 percent and IRT perpetrator dimension at 38.00 percent, he informed.

The figures are based on surveys conducted by several institutions, including a terrorism study conducted by the University of Indonesia (UI), the research and development center of the Religious Affairs Ministry, the Nusa Institute and Alfara Research Center, Amar said.

The decline in the terrorism risk index is a challenge for all sides to reduce terrorism risks, he added.

“Hopefully, the people will increasingly feel safe, tranquil, and free from terrorism threats,” he said.

The government refocused its budget totaling Rp130 billion out of the budget ceiling of Rp515.9 billion for BNPT four times in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Amar informed.

“The budget for BNPT was Rp385 billion throughout 2021,” he said.


Source: Antara News

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