“Jirayu” confirms that the Prime Minister is fully committed to solving the flooding problem.

Jirayu”, advisor to the Prime Minister, confirmed that the Prime Minister is determined to solve the flooding problem to the fullest extent. He accepts criticism after a poll shows that the public has no confidence in the government. He asked for a little time to work. He has only been in office for 4-5 days.

Mr. Jirayu Huangsap, advisor to the Prime Minister, said that Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, the Prime Minister, has ordered through the Flood, Storm and Landslide Relief Operation Center or LCDC to report the situation to the Prime Minister every day at 9:00 a.m., while Chiang Rai Province reported the resolution of the power outage and ordered the Royal Thai Army Headquarters to remove mud from the area, including ordering the National Telecommunications Company (NT) and the private sector to install fiber optics and communication towers in the area to facilitate communication systems for the public. In addition, there will be continuous weather forecast summaries sent to the district chief.

Mr. Chirayu explained about the use of the normal budget framework for disasters of 3,045 million baht that the Prime Minister has approved the use of the old budget framework for the Cabinet to approve immediately and after this, each ministry, various government agencies and local governments must inform that they will use the budget for cleaning up all of it, restoring public utilities, electricity, water, mud in the drains, to consider additional budgets, whichever can be done first.

The compensation process has been simplified and reduced through surveys by village headmen and local administrative organizations to assess the damage and provide compensation more quickly.

Mr. Jirayu also revealed that the Prime Minister urgently ordered the Highways Department, the Rural Highways Department, the Ministry of Transport to quickly clear the area of ??Wiang Pa Pao District, Chiang Rai Province, which had mudslides, and had already cleared the area and opened the roads in many areas at 3:00 p.m. The Prime Minister ordered the monitoring center to warn various areas. The military officers of the Royal Thai Army Development Unit announced a warning to assess the situation and were on standby to monitor the area at all times to prepare for evacuation.

In Lampang Province, where storms blew houses away, Mr. Jirayu said that each area has different characteristics. Officials are assessing the situation and monitoring it all the time. The direction of the landslide cannot be determined. They do not want any damage, but villagers often build their houses at the foot of mountains, near mountains, so they have to be careful.

The Prime Minister has been monitoring the situation and giving orders via video conference throughout, and has assigned Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, as Chairman of the NCPO, to continue monitoring. If he can fly to the area, he is ready to do so. He will bring the matter for further consideration in the Cabinet meeting tomorrow.

As for the public opinion survey results that found that they did not trust the government’s solutions, Mr. Jirayu said that after the situation occurred, the government quickly set up a center. The public may have only seen some news, but they are ready to receive criticism and suggestions. He confirmed that the Prime Minister works all the time, but the poll results came out only 4-5 days after the Prime Minister started working. He may need a little more time to work because the Prime Minister is overflowing with determination to work and will definitely have the encouragement and confidence to solve the problems.

Source: Thai News Agency