“Ko Kaew” is not bothered by Pheu Thai joining the Democrat Party, sees the change of leaves already.

“Ko Kaew” does not mind Pheu Thai joining the Democrat Party, sees it as a change of direction, says “Chalermchai – new generation leaders” were not involved in the 2010 protest dispersal, points out that “Chuan – Banyat – Jurin” are old trees that are hard to bend, leading the party to decline, asks not to see it as blocking the People’s Party, just working together

Mr. Ko Kaew Pikulthong, MP for the Pheu Thai Party and former leader of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), expressed his opinion on the Democrat Party’s acceptance of the Pheu Thai Party’s invitation to join the government. He admitted that many red shirts are still bothered by the term Democrat Party, as the Democrat Party is an organization run by executives from different eras. The current executives, Mr. Chalermchai Sri-on, are the party leader and his team, and are not a group of people involved in the 2010 incident in any way. They are different teams. The team that had the problem of ordering the violent dispersal
of the protesters is no longer here. They have all dispersed and gone to different places.

“The Democrat Party has a new group of people taking over the administration. From what I have personally experienced, the party leader and secretary-general have a good view of politics. They are conducting positive political activities, not favoring the military, not favoring extra-system power, and have the intention to join hands with other political parties to drive forward their work. If it is a government party, I personally do not mind at all. But if it is a person who was involved in the 2010 incident and has become a minister like this, I would not agree,” said Mr. Ko Kaew.

When asked that the name of the Democrat Party might cause people to misunderstand the Pheu Thai Party, Mr. Ko Kaew said that it was possible, so he had to explain that they were different groups. This group had no problem whatsoever. And don’t forget that this group was the group that came to seize power. The administration of the Democr
at Party caused the original group to retreat, meaning they lost power in the party, which was a good thing because it caused the political institution to change in a positive direction, causing Thai politics to return to the system, unlike before. When they lost an election, they would come out to protest and oust the government. But from what I’ve talked to Mr. Chalermchai Sri-on, the party leader, and Mr. Decha Isara Khaothong, the party secretary, they have no idea about this. They intend to make politics in the system in parliament in accordance with the process, which they want to see the Democrat Party go in this direction. Therefore, having this group of executives work together is a good thing that will make everything better. As for the group of old executives who used to lead the Democrat Party in the wrong way, causing the Democrat Party to decline significantly, today we have seen that they have had the opposite effect. Even the members themselves do not accept it. The general public has all disa
ppeared. Most voters in the South have turned to vote for other parties.

‘Today, I also expect that the arrival of the Democrat Party will improve the political atmosphere, reduce conflict, reduce prejudice in the hearts of the red shirts and the loyal fans of the Democrat Party, so that they will turn to working in politics in a constructive way together, compete in creating works and creating good policies for the people,’ said Mr. Ko Kaew.

In the Democrat Party, there are still old members, such as Mr. Chuan Leekpai, MP for the party list, Mr. Banyat Bantadtan, MP for the party list, and Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit. Mr. Ko Kaew said that those three are considered old trees that are difficult to bend. He is concerned that if all three of them come out to drive something that conflicts with the current executive group, they may have a problem and be expelled from the party. He does not want them to be expelled from the party. He wants them to stay, but he wants them to be in a position where they have the same
manners because today they have come together to form a government. Everyone must understand the rules of living together and the manners of each person so that the coalition parties can work together with unity and move forward to create results. If they are hindering each other, it is not suitable to form a government together. Is the decision to bring the Democrats into the party okay with all MPs in the party? Mr. Ko Kaew said that overall it is okay because Pheu Thai MPs do not want the Palang Pracharath Party. The Democrats are the perfect solution to the problem of not wanting the Palang Pracharath Party.

How do you assess the stability of the government? Mr. Ko Kaew said that looking at the work of Mr. Settha Thavisin’s government, there was adjustment to each other in almost every matter. There were some issues that we might disagree on, but we tried to find a solution and talk to each other. The Democrat Party is a new party, with only 20 votes, which is considered a small number. We understand the
situation and must adjust ourselves like other parties in order to live together. Therefore, if there is no major conflict in each party’s policies, I believe that we can move forward without any problems.

In addition to the Democrat Party, is the invitation of other parties, such as the Thai Sang Thai Party, acceptable to the Pheu Thai Party MPs? Mr. Ko Kaew said that they have not discussed it yet. From following the political situation, he believes that the Pheu Thai Party has no idea of ??inviting other parties that may have conflicts in working together. This matter must be a matter for the adults. From what he has followed, the adults have tried to find a party that they can work with and talk about everything. In the past, during the cabinet of Mr. Settha, the Pheu Thai Party and the Bhumjaithai Party were large parties and had different opinions on the cannabis policy. But in the end, they found a joint solution. As for other conflicts, he believes that they can talk about them. There are no problems
. By nature, politics, if the direction is the same and similar, there are no problems at all.

Outsiders see this combination as a special operation to block the People’s Party. Mr. Ko Kaew said, “Don’t use the word block.” Being a coalition government means working together. If there are political parties with different ideas, some parties don’t want to join hands because it’s difficult to work together. Therefore, when the current government parties join hands, it is seen as a group that can work together, can talk, and have an overall understanding.

Source: Thai News Agency