South Jakarta, Kominfo – Ministry of Communication and Information Technology won the Predicate of Public Service Provider in the category of “Excellent Service”. The Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Tjahjo Kumolo presented the award at the 2021 Public Service Evaluation Results Submission to ministries, institutions and local governments, in South Jakarta, Tuesday (08/03/2022).
The Ministry of Communications and Informatics is one of nine ministries that received the title of Excellent Service. The award was given to the Directorate of Resource Operations, the Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology (SDPPI). Representing the Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate, Director of Human Resources Operations of the Directorate General of SDPPI, Dwi Handoko also received the Public Service Trustees Award for the “Prime Service” Category.
Director of Operations for Resources, Dwi Handoko, representing the Director General of SDPPI, expressed pride in the award for Public Service Providers with the Predicate of Excellent Service. According to him, this is an acknowledgment for the ministry that provides good service and gets a high satisfaction rating from the community.
“Alhamdulillah, on this occasion we were again given an award by the KemenPANRB. This public service unit with excellent performance is the highest rating from the KemenPANRB, and Alhamdulillah, the Directorate of Resource Operations has received recognition for its efforts to improve public services,” he said after receiving the award at the Intercontinental Jakarta Pondok Indah, South Jakarta.
According to the Director of Human Resources Operations of the Directorate General of SDPPI, this award is one of the most proud milestones and can encourage the enthusiasm of public servants at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.
“We and all our Kominfo friends can continue to improve the quality of public services. Therefore, we must provide quality public services that continue to improve from year to year to be able to serve the community better,” he said.
Director Dwi Handoko stated that excellent service is oriented towards meeting public expectations regarding the quality of goods, services, and administrative services. “So it’s not just an ordinary service. But excellent service,” he said.
The Director of Resource Operations of the Directorate General of SDPPI emphasized that this award will certainly not make the ranks of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics be satisfied quickly, but will continue to improve the quality of public services. “This is in accordance with President Jokowi’s mandate conveyed by MenPANRB Tjahjo Kumolo that public services are the face of the government which has direct contact with the community,” he said.
Director Dwi Handoko hopes that the award can encourage the efforts of the Directorate of Resource Operations to achieve the title of Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Region (WBBM). Although it is not in direct contact with the Corruption Free Area (WBK) and WBBM.
“We will continue to improve and hopefully the title of Public Service Provider in the “Excellent Service” category will inspire us all to continue to do the best for the community,” he hoped.
Source: Ministry of Communication and Information