KSPI presses for extending BSU and Pre-employment Card Program

Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) President Said Iqbal urged the government to extend the Wage Subsidy Program (BSU) and Pre-employment Card social safety net since workers are still reeling from the impacts of COVID-19.

“We truly encouraged and hoped that President Jokowi would extend the BSU and Pre-employment Program and not discontinue it,” Iqbal remarked during a virtual press conference observed from here on Wednesday.

According to Iqbal, the end of COVID-19 cannot yet be estimated since the likelihood of the number of cases rising is high.

Moreover, economic growth is yet in the process of recovery, with the purchasing power for workers still impacted.

In relation to the social security net for workers, such as BSU, he expressed optimism that the scope of distribution would be expanded and would not only include regions with the status of Public Activity Restriction (PPKM) level 3 and level 4.

This is since regions categorized as PPKM level 3 and level 4 had decreased owing to the hard work of the government and people, he stated.

The BSU should also prioritize workers, people terminated from work, daily salary workers, and employees whose income cannot cover their living expenses, he explained.

“Workers in this category should be guaranteed to receive BSU,” Iqbal expounded.

Speaking in connection with the Pre-employment Card, he stated that the program’s incentive segment should be increased as compared to the training costs in order to encourage workers to partake in the program to boost capabilities and to support the government’s economic recovery program.

“Once everything comes back to normal, then it can be implemented as it was earlier intended,” he stated.



Source: Antara News

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