Labor Minister admits 400 baht minimum wage increase may not be completed by October 1st

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor admits that the minimum wage increase of 400 baht may not be completed by 1 October, indicating that he is waiting for ‘Methi’ to resign and find a new representative of the Bank of Thailand to join the tripartite, confirming that he will work to his full potential before retirement.

Continued with the issue of raising the minimum wage to 400 baht after the second round of the ‘Tripartite Board’ meeting on August 20th failed. The minimum wage adjustment could not be considered because there was no quorum. There were 4 government representatives who did not attend the meeting and 2 employee representatives who did not attend. Therefore, there was not a quorum of 2/3, which requires 10 or more attendees.

The latest, Mr. Pairoj Chotikasathian, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor, revealed that he had been informed by the Bank of Thailand (BOT) that Mr. Methee Supapong was no longer the BOT’s representative. Therefore, he had to wait for the BOT to confirm
in writing and send a new representative. As for Mr. Methee, he had to resign because the appointment was made by the Cabinet resolution. Therefore, in order to appoint a new person to replace him, the old person had to resign first. According to the procedure, there must be a name of a new person to replace Mr. Methee first and submit the name to the Cabinet for consideration.

And earlier, on the day of the wage board meeting, many parties still thought that Mr. Methee was still a representative of the BOT. But when checking the government agencies that did not attend the meeting, including the BOT, stating that they were not responsible for Mr. Methee’s actions, they wrote a letter to the BOT to make it in writing as evidence that Mr. Methee was no longer involved. As for whether it would be in time before his retirement in 6 days, it was emphasized that they had to wait for the letter from the BOT to respond and admitted that the announcement of the wage increase on October 1st had to be postponed first.

fter Mr. Pairoj, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor, retired from the civil service, it was the duty of the Tripartite Permanent Secretary, the new Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor, to confirm that he had done his best and given his all.

Source: Thai News Agency