Mae Sai border, water levels are starting to recede, but there was still heavy rain throughout the morning.

The flood waters at the Mae Sai border have started to recede after the water in the Mae Sai River dropped by almost 1 meter. However, there was still heavy rain throughout the morning, causing severe hardship for both Mae Sai residents and Myanmar residents on the Tachileik side. It is estimated that the damage from this flood could be as high as 1 billion baht.

Throughout the morning at the Mae Sai border, there has been heavy rain, but the water level has not increased much. The water level in Mae Sai border communities has continuously decreased. Behind me is the road leading to Koh Sai, Mai Lung Khan, and Koh Sawan communities, which were previously flooded almost 1 meter high. Now, people can walk in and out, although it is difficult because it is full of mud. There are still some areas where the water is still flowing fast, so caution is required. Thousands of villagers who have been flooded for many days are still suffering, especially with mud that has flooded some houses almost 2 meters high. Now,
the water level in the Sai River that separates the Thai-Myanmar border has decreased by almost 1 meter, to the point where the water barriers are visible. This has caused the water level on both the Thai and Myanmar sides to decrease. This has allowed Myanmar people in Tachilek, who have also been severely flooded, to cross the border to buy food on the Thai side, including pork, mushrooms, duck, chicken, vegetables, and fruits, because Tachilek, which has been flooded for many days, is severely lacking food. After the water level started to recede, the villagers in Myanmar crossed the border to buy a lot of food.

At this time, crossing the border, officials only allow people to walk across the bridge. No vehicles of any kind are allowed to pass through, causing Myanmar people to have to carry their bags and food across the border with great difficulty. The major flooding in Mae Sai has shown us the generosity of many Thai people, both donating money and supplies to help the victims. Many people have brough
t food and drinking water to distribute, such as this vendor of sticky rice with fried chicken. Someone transferred money to give away 200 sets of sticky rice with fried chicken for free. Or the private sector, the Mekong Delta Hotel, has used the hotel’s conference room as a temporary shelter, providing free accommodation for victims who are still unable to return to their homes. Three meals and drinking water are provided to alleviate their suffering.

Ms. Phakamas Wiara, the hotel owner, said that right now, the Mae Sai people who were flooded are suffering, so she wanted to share and help. She received support from various organizations that donated items. As the president of the Mae Sai Border Chamber of Commerce, she estimated that the flooding on the Mae Sai and Tachileik borders this time could cause damage and loss of opportunities from trade as high as 1 billion baht.

Source: Thai News Agency