Minister seeks severe punishment against Bogor rape perpetrators

Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Bintang Puspayoga has urged law enforcement authorities to take firm action against two youths accused of abusing a 14-year-old girl in Klapanunggal, Bogor district, West Java.

“Strict action and severe punishment are needed against the perpetrators to impose a deterrent effect so that similar incidents do not take place again,” she said here on Thursday.

She commended Bogor Police Force for arresting the two youths, both aged 19 years.

“The perpetrators, a total of two people, had committed sexual violence as well as physical violence to the point that the victim was found in a weak and helpless condition by others,” she said.

The victim reportedly got acquainted with the two youths on social media, who lured her with a job offer of Rp300 thousand per day. Afterward, the victim was picked up and immediately taken to the place where she was raped and abused. The perpetrators allegedly took away the victim’s cell phone.

People found the victim lying helplessly in a paddy field.

“The incident which befell the victim can leave deep trauma for the victim. Therefore, it is important to give assistance to the victim,” the minister said.

She said her ministry’s Bogor Women and Children Protection Unit has conducted outreach to the victim and assisted her in the process of examination and treatment at the hospital, as well as during proceedings with the relevant authorities handling the case.

In addition, the victim has been provided psychological and psychiatric services. Currently, she is with her family and recovering safely.

The unit will periodically visit the victim’s home to monitor her condition.


Source: Antara News