?? Morning digest October 11

The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

– President Vo Van Thuong hosted a reception in Hanoi on October 10 for visiting Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Kamikawa Yoko, during which he applauded the guest’s contributions to the Vietnam-Japan relations in her different positions over the years.

President Thuong said Japan is Vietnam’s leading economic cooperation partner in such areas as official development assistance (ODA), investment, trade, labour, and tourism. Read full story

– Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Kamikawa Yoko in Hanoi on October 10, highly valuing his guest’s contributions to the two countries’ relations on different posts she has held over the past years.

Congratulating Kamikawa on her appointment as Foreign Minister of Japan, PM Chinh expressed his delight at the increasingly strong, effective, and comprehensive development of the Vietnam-Japan bilateral friendship and cooperation. Read full story

– Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung on October 10 received visiting Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Kamikawa Yoko in Hanoi.

At the meeting, Trung said the Party, State, and people of Vietnam appreciate Japan’s companionship and cooperation during the past time, contributing to Vietnam’s socio-economic development, industrialisation, and modernisation process. Read full story

– Can Tho city needs to show strong determination and take drastic actions to fulfil its heavy responsibility towards itself, the Mekong Delta region, and the entire country, National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said on October 10.

Can Tho is one of the five provincial-level cities in Vietnam and also an economic, cultural, social and defence – security centre of the Mekong Delta and the country as a whole. It is located at the intersection of two important urban economic corridors in the Mekong Delta, namely the corridor along the Hau River and the Ho Chi Minh City – Can Tho one. Read full story

– National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on October 10 requested the Mekong Delta province of Hau Giang to focus on effective development to contribute to the realisation of national targets this year.

Addressing a meeting with the Hau Giang Party Committee’s Standing Board during a tour of some Mekong Delta provinces, Hue said he is impressed with the strong development of Hau Giang, which he described as a “bright spot” of Vietnam’s economic panorama thanks to a growth rate continuously higher than the national average. Read full story

– Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son on October 10 held talks with his Japanese counterpart Kamikawa Yoko during her visit to Vietnam from October 10 – 11.

At the talks, Son welcomed Kamikawa’s visit which takes place in the year Vietnam and Japan celebrate the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. Read full story

– The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee is scheduled to hold the 27th session from October 11-17, according to the NA Office.

The Committee will give opinions on a draft NA resolution on piloting some mechanisms and policies aimed at removing obstacles posed by stipulations in certain laws related to investment in the construction of road works. Read full story

– The Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) will work with relevant agencies to conduct innovation evaluation and help localities identify right directions to follow to help raise Vietnam’s position in the Global Innovation Index (GII) rankings, an official has said.

The MoST in coordination with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other international organisations in Geneva held a hybrid workshop on October 10 to provide information about the GII 2023. Read full story

– The Can Tho branch of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) on October 10 organised a meeting between Japanese businesses and Vietnamese firms operating in the Mekong Delta, aiming to provide them with opportunities to connect and seek cooperation.

Speaking at the event, Director of VCCI Can Tho branch Nguyen Phuong Lam said that the Mekong Delta is a major agricultural production region and has huge demand for transportation and logistics infrastructure. The Vietnamese Government is making major investments in express ways, sea ports and logistics infrastructure in the region. Read full story- Vietnam Customs has proactively strived to make changes in line with World Customs Organisation (WCO)’s recommendations and standards in harmonising and simplifying customs procedures, according to WCO Secretary-General Kunio Mikuriya.

With the current generation of talented young people, the Vietnamese customs sector can develop even stronger, he told the press on October 10 on the sideline of the Technology Conference and Exhibition of the World Customs Organisation 2023 which is underway in Hanoi./. Read full story

Source: Vietnam News Agency