Move Forward Party prepares venue to receive masses, puts up large sign saying ‘Move Forward Forward’

Move Forward Party, “Move Forward” is lively, preparing the place to receive the masses on the day of the party’s dissolution, putting up a large sign, clearly emphasizing “Move Forward Forward”. As for “Pita”, he walked wearing a blue shirt, smiling before going up to meet with party members.

Reporters reported that the Move Forward Party has scheduled a meeting of its MPs before the Constitutional Court rules on the dissolution of the Move Forward Party tomorrow. The atmosphere was filled with MPs from different parties arriving to the meeting with indifferent expressions, while key party leaders have also arrived, such as Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn, MP; Parit Wacharasindhu, party spokesman; and Ms. Sirikanya Tansakul, deputy party leader.

While Mr. Pita Limjaroenrat, advisor to the party leader, wearing a blue shirt, arrived at 2:20 p.m. with a cheerful face, waving to greet the media before going up to chair the MP meeting today.

Meanwhile, party officials have started preparing the venue to welcome the ma
sses who will come to hear the verdict on the party dissolution tomorrow. A large sign with the message ‘Move Forward’ has been put up in front of the party office.

However, it has now been reported that more than 80 media outlets, 300 people, have registered to the Move Forward Party, and the party has informed MPs not to park their cars there, and to drive around only, as the area needs to receive the crowd.

Source: Thai News Agency