Narathiwat Provincial Court sets date for Tak Bai case interrogation

Narathiwat Provincial Court accepted the indictment for the Tak Bai tragedy case, which resulted in 85 deaths, with nine high-ranking government officials as defendants.

At the Narathiwat Provincial Court, a plaintiff who was a victim of the Tak Bai tragedy, Ms. Fatiyah Pajukuleng, along with 48 others, filed a lawsuit against 7 high-ranking government officials. The first defendant being sued was General Pisal Wattanawongkiri, former commander of the 4th Army at the time, along with 9 other high-ranking government officials who were defendants in a case of crimes against life, attempted murder, and crimes against liberty. The incident occurred on October 25, 2004, and the statute of limitations will expire on October 24.

At present, all 48 plaintiffs have received full compensation from the government. However, the reason for the lawsuit of the 48 plaintiffs is that they want the perpetrators to be punished for the crimes committed against the affected people and the 85 people who died. Up until now, the
9 defendants have not appeared at the Narathiwat Court. We have to wait and see what the court will consider next.

The incident occurred on October 25, 2014, in front of Tak Bai Police Station, Narathiwat Province. Officers used force to control villagers after the dispersal of a protest in front of Tak Bai Police Station, leading to the deaths of 85 people during the movement of protesters to Ingkayutthaborihan Camp in Pattani Province.

Source: Thai News Agency