News agencies treasure Vietnam – Cuba special solidarity

The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and Cuban news Agency Prensa Latina (PL) have preserved and treasured the traditional solidarity and special friendship between Vietnam and Cuba, PL President Luis Enrique González Acosta has said.

He spoke with a VNA reporter on the sidelines of a photo exhibition on Vietnam – Cuba relations held in Quang Tri province on September 26 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Cuban leader Fidel Castro’s visit to the liberated zone in Southern Vietnam.

Fifty years ago, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and Prime Minister Fidel Castro visited Vietnam and travelled to Quang Tri province– a newly liberated land in the south of Vietnam as he wished to see with his own eyes the fierce battlefield, and the brave struggle of the Vietnamese people, Luis Enrique González Acosta said.

The PL President described Fidel Castro’s historic trip as a symbol of the faithful fraternal solidarity between the two peoples who shared the noble ideal of fighting for peace, national independence, democracy and progress in the world. The two news agencies have highlighted his visit through an array of articles, making contributions to educating the younger generations of both nations about the Vietnam’s struggle for national independence as well as the traditional friendship between the two countries.

To mark the special anniversary, the two national news agencies of Cuba and Vietnam have run numerous articles on Fidel’s visit throughout September, he said, adding that PL and Vietnam News Agency agreed last year to organise a special photo exhibition in Quang Tri on the occasion.

As a result of the two news agencies’ joint work, a photo exhibition with 50 colour and black-and-white photos capturing the images of Fidel Castro – a talented leader of the Cuban people and a great friend of Vietnam, was held in Quang Tri on September 26.

Highlight of the exhibition is the image of Fidel Castro raising the flag of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam at Peak 241 in Cam Chinh commune, Cam Lo district strewn with artillery shells and tank ruins.

Luis Enrique González Acosta stressed that President Fidel Castro’s saying “For Vietnam, Cuba is willing to shed blood” has become a motto for the loyal friendship between the two nations not only in the past but also at present and in the future.

The leader’s famous saying has been made the name of a bilingual book in Vietnamese and Spanish jointly published by VNA and PL, which was introduced to the public at a meeting in Quang Tri marking the 50th anniversary of Fidel’s visit.

The PL President also affirmed that the close coordination between the two news agencies is a vivid illustration of the sound relations between the two Parties, States and peoples.

He also committed to enhancing coordination with the VNA to further popularise the Vietnam – Cuba ties./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency