“Phumtham” accepts the honor of being the head of the Ministry of Defence, can work with the armed forces.

Phumtham” admits that it is an honor to be in charge of the Ministry of Defense, believes that working with the armed forces is not a problem, asks not to bring up the past 50 years, looks to the future to help each other work for the country better, points out that the military reshuffle is in accordance with the process, making it in accordance with the law, believes “Sutin” is not upset, talks all the time, can help.

Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, spoke about the preparation of the list of military officers for the year 2024, which Mr. Suthin Khlangsaeng, former Minister of Defense, stated that it is the authority of the new minister. He said that it is currently in the process of proceeding because it is an operation that requires regulations and processes to support it. It can be carried out in accordance with the law and in line with what it should be.

Mr. Phumtham said that he has now received a clear assignment from the Prime Minister. He considers it an ho
nor to join the Ministry of Defense. He should not have any worries because he thinks that he starts with the benefit of the country. He believes that he will be able to work well with all departments and branches of the armed forces. There should not be any problems.

Mr. Phumtham also mentioned the case of digging up old photos from the October 1976 incident when he went into the forest, saying that it has been 50 years and he does not remember much, but he wants to say that there is nothing. What happened in the past followed the legal process. There is no need to revive the past because of the incident that happened. At that time, General Prem Tinsulanonda and the elders in the past decided to end the conflict in order to resolve everything. Therefore, we should not sit and investigate the history of 50 years. Today, we start with the truth. Look to the future and help work for the country.

Mr. Phumtham continued that having an assistant defense minister is already good, having people to help work togeth
er, and the more he is a soldier, the more he can understand the nature and the reality of soldiers, which will give him experience and help the work be more efficient. As for starting work at the defense ministry, he himself does not have an auspicious date for starting work. If he has the power and duty, he will enter, but right now he does not have one, so he must do his duty. He thinks there is no problem. His auspicious date is a convenient date.

As for the case of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense joining the meeting of the National Energy Policy Committee today, it is because the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense is already a member of this committee. He said that he wanted to have the opportunity to talk to each other to learn about what is happening at present. If it is convenient, we can talk, whether outside of the meeting or in the meeting, we can talk about everything.

When asked if Mr. Sutin felt disappointed after images of MPs giving him support during today’s H
ouse of Representatives meeting emerged, Mr. Phumtham replied that he was not upset. We are politicians. We know that we are doing our duty and we are still friends and brothers. We can help each other. Especially since Mr. Sutin has this kind of experience, he can help within the legal framework that is possible.

After the interview, the media teased Mr. Phumtham that from now on he would have to be called ‘Big Fat’, to which Mr. Phumtham smiled and laughed before replying, ‘I’m already fat.’ The media teased him further that there were both ‘Big Lek’ and ‘Big Fat’. Mr. Phumtham said, ‘Well, small and big, combined is just right.’

Source: Thai News Agency