“Phumtham” asks not to undermine officials after being criticized for delaying flood relief efforts

“Phumtham”, Minister of Defense, revealed that he is rushing to solve the problem of mud filling people’s houses after the water receded. He said that it is not a matter that needs to be claimed after people criticized the government agencies for being slow in reaching the area. Who arrives first or last is a minor matter. He asked that people not speak to discourage the officers.

Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, gave an interview about helping flood victims after the water receded, who requested officials to help with the large amount of mud that had entered their homes. Which agencies can be coordinated? As for the Ministry of Defense, each military region has been ordered to go and take care of their own areas. But for the first round of assistance, we will focus on the lives of the people affected by the floods first, including the delivery of food. But if the situation starts to improve, we will start cleaning up. But I must say that the mud is not only in the ho
uses of the people, but also on the main roads, making movement and communication quite difficult. And there are not many helicopters, and we will go and look as quickly as possible. But each house has a different amount of mud. We will start from the main roads into the alleys and then to the houses of the people.

As for the agencies that will come in to oversee the cleaning, there will be machinery from the Ministry of Transport mobilized. At the same time, in addition to the restoration, other areas such as the Northeast are also experiencing flooding, so we have to send people in to help as well. For example, the SEAL unit, we withdrew from the North to the Northeast.

Mr. Phumtham also mentioned about the relief measures that we emphasize speed, so we have to use the original framework to take care of it for now. But we know that the money provided is not enough, but we have to talk to increase the amount of relief.

When asked about criticism that government agencies were slow to provide assistance, an
d both rescue workers and civil society returned to the area first, Mr. Phumtham said that criticism is allowed, but it must be seen to be consistent with reality. When the floods occurred, the government was not able to give orders, but we saw that soldiers had entered the area since 8pm on the day of the incident and were trying to transport people out. That is why we saw a large number of people at evacuation centers.

“I think who comes first and who comes last is a very small matter. The point is that we have to help each other. Whoever goes first is not something that needs to be claimed. Go ahead and help each other. The people are suffering. They don’t care who comes first or last,” said Mr. Phumtham.

As for the criticism that when adults go to the area, government agencies will come to welcome them, Mr. Phumtham said that we are careful. There is no need to welcome and take care of them. Just take the relevant people. Because if they don’t go, they will say that we are not interested. When they go,
they say that people come in droves. But don’t say that no government agencies have come to look at it, such as the Ministry of Transport that came to build a bearing bridge. It’s full. And now we are giving importance to the mountains because the route is broken. The army has also come to deliver food. As for electricity, if the water in any area is dry, we will expedite the installation. Therefore, I think we need to encourage each other. Like the private sector that drives jet skis. When people go in, they can’t sleep. So don’t say anything that discourages each other. I want you to look at it positively and encourage them. If you have money, donate money. If you have things, donate things. But if you don’t have anything, encourage each other.

Source: Thai News Agency