“Pichai” points out that it is not just mudslinging rhetoric.

‘Pichai’ regrets that ‘Rome’ should have done his homework before the debate, pointing out that he shouldn’t just think of mudslinging rhetoric, referring to other people to cause damage, and recommending that today, as a new generation of MPs, they shouldn’t mutate into the old generation.

Mr. Pichai Naripthaphan, Minister of Commerce, said that he was surprised that Mr. Rangsiman Rome’s debate was lower than many times in the past, even though he had just praised Mr. Rangsiman in the parliament, comparing him to Ms. Sirikanya Tansakul and Mr. Surachet Prawinwongwut, whose debates had excellent observations, likening him to a group of new generations who would rise to become party leaders on the same level as Mr. Pita, Mr. Thanathorn, Mr. Piyabutr, and Chor, but he was disappointed and did not think that Mr. Rangsiman, who was a representative of the new generation of MPs, would transform into an old generation MP, using only mudslinging rhetoric and referring to others to damage them.

Mr. Pichai said tha
t the criticism of drugs and entertainment complexes, that the big boss gets a percentage, is an accusation without evidence, implicating other people to cause damage because investing in entertainment complexes costs a lot of money. The aim is to bring the underground economy up to the surface. In various processes, private sector investment is required and it is necessary to attract interested investors. It has nothing to do with the big boss you mentioned. Therefore, do not speak without evidence because it will affect investment confidence.

Another issue is the accusation that the Prime Minister was ordered by Saengchan. This is immature rhetoric. Today we should stop talking about who can order the Prime Minister. Today, the Prime Minister is considered number 1 in the administration of the country in accordance with the law, and he is well accepted by all political parties in the government. No one can order the Prime Minister. On the other hand, if I were to say that when Mr. Rangsiman debates, who ca
n order him to talk about this or that? What would you say?

Mr. Pichai said that Mr. Rangsiman had the opportunity to be the chairman of the National Security Committee, which should be an honor, but he still has no experience in management. He seemed excited by information from foreign agencies, to the point of forgetting that managing transnational crimes is more than just numbers. Because since 2002, the number of drugs has decreased because we are serious about managing drug dealers. In 2001, we seized almost 100 tons of heroin by sea by the navy. Because of working together for a long time until the government received international recognition. After the coup in 2006, what happened? You may have been too young. We lacked support from foreign countries because the acceptance of our government has decreased. The MP probably does not know that every time intelligence and information is received, it takes several years to process and prepare for arrests or stop.

‘If you have experience, you will know that
accusing the government without any information and linking it to other policies to help the people, such as the establishment of entertainment complexes, which are designed to attract foreign investment, attract tourists and reduce local crimes caused by gambling, and provide money for children’s scholarships to create opportunities, is not helping the country, but rather destroying confidence in investment, making the people listening at home see that the MP is more skilled at throwing mud than at debating with facts,’ said Mr. Pichai.

Mr. Pichai said that regarding the mule accounts, the MPs must have been so focused on the number of 500 mule accounts that they were monitoring that they didn’t notice that today the NBTC had ordered the closure of over 200,000 mule SIM cards and the BOT had ordered the suspension of over 15,000 accounts. What you don’t know is probably a matter of criminology and the justice process that the process to stop various crimes must develop the economy and society in tandem. Hav
e you ever interviewed a mule account suspect? When he brought his child, cried, and said he had nothing to eat, so he had to go and receive the wages, what caused it? What have we lacked in the past few years? What is the state of the economy? Let me emphasize that our government knows the real world, and we manage from the facts and real experiences. We don’t get excited about new information and then reveal it to the world without knowing its impact or the depth of the problem.

‘I would like to reiterate that this government does not have a prime minister like the mudslinging that has been created by the new generation of MPs. There is only a prime minister who is legally in charge of the country, who is truly sitting at the head of the table in cabinet meetings, and who has been truly accepted by MPs from all political parties in the government. I would like to leave this fact for MP Rangsiman to review in order to prepare for the next debate as well as he has done,’ said Mr. Pichai.

Source: Thai News