PM concerned about flooding in Chiang Mai, to discuss with Cabinet on long-term solution plan

PM concerned about flooding in Chiang Mai, orders Forward Command Center to speed up assistance, prepares to discuss with Cabinet on long-term flooding solution plan after disbursing much relief budget, reveals discussion with Myanmar to help prevent flooding in Chiang Rai, prepares to use ASEAN Summit to discuss water management plan

At 10.10 am, Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister, gave an interview about the flood situation in Chiang Mai Province, which is still in crisis in many areas. She said that after seeing the news, she would like to send her concern to the people of Chiang Mai because there are many areas. However, we have the Flood, Storm and Landslide Relief Operation Center (FLO) to take care of it. However, from asking the people in the area, they were lucky because they received a warning SMS several days in advance. Therefore, they had enough preparation. But when the water really came, it was considered severe. All parties helped as much as they could. Meanwhile, the FLO has been i
n the area and reported to the central office all the time. The people can contact for help in every way, whether it is the 1567 hotline or other online channels or contact the FLO directly. Ms. Thirat Samretwanich, Deputy Minister of Interior as the chairman of the FLO, and General Nattapol Nakphanit, Deputy Minister of Defense as the advisor to the FLO are in both Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai and have people on standby, including food trucks to help. Everything is ready. We would also like to thank and encourage the volunteers who came together to help.

As for the flooding in Chiang Mai, it is considered severe. Will we take the opportunity to adjust the city plan to cope with the water situation? Ms. Paethongtarn mentioned that this matter must be a big picture. We must have a plan A, B, C, D. The first order is to solve the immediate problem to see how much we can handle. The compensation must happen as soon as possible. But the long-term water management plan must be discussed. There must be a committee to
discuss seriously. We must bring in experts to plan. Personally, I admit that I saw the flooding since the election campaign. I want to finish the long-term plan. And it is something that I hold on to, no matter which government, to continue this matter until it is finished because it is truly beneficial to the country. I will bring this matter to discuss in the cabinet to see what can be done. Let the cabinet help think of how to plan the long-term. If it will take up to 10 years to repair and build, it must be used because it is something that must be done. If compared to the budget for solving immediate problems, it is quite a lot. But the long-term plan must be pushed to happen.

When asked about the response plan in the central lowlands, which have already begun to be affected, while there are areas upstream of the dam where the water barrier has broken, the Prime Minister said that he has been monitoring the water barrier, but regarding flooding, from what he has discussed with the Royal Irrigation Depa
rtment, the Chao Phraya Dam still has a lot of space to receive water. If there is rain, there may be some flooding, but not as heavy as in the North. He has also looked at the storm, which is predicted not to come as heavily as in 2011, but it must be admitted that this year the rain is heavier than usual.

When asked whether there will be discussions with Myanmar about water release and encroachment on the area at the ASEAN Summit tomorrow (8 October), the Prime Minister stated that regarding discussions with Myanmar about the flood situation in Chiang Rai, Mr. Marist Sngiampong, Minister of Foreign Affairs, had previously discussed the various areas and the encroachment on both sides, which prevented the water from draining easily. They had discussed it and asked for mutual cooperation. The discussions were positive and they will definitely discuss this issue. There are still many other issues that need to be discussed, including the economy, investment, and peace.

Source: Thai News Agency