“Prasit” has not yet found any fraudsters who deceived him about the bus fire incident.

Prasert”, Minister of Digital Economy, clarified that he has not found any fraudsters deceiving the public in the incident of a fire on a school tour bus. Currently, he is investigating. He asked people not to believe him.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Economy and Society Prasert Jantarawongthong spoke about the case of a scammer asking for donations to help the families of those who were affected by the fire on a school bus. He asked the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society to investigate the case. Prasert said that he has ordered the Counter-Intelligence Center to investigate pages that deceive the public, especially the case of the fire on a school bus that resulted in the deaths of many students. He has investigated and is keeping a close watch on the matter. However, he urged the public not to believe it, as it may be a scammer asking for donations. He confirmed that they are currently closely investigating the matter.

When asked if he had found any fraudulent processes, Mr. Prasert
said that there were no clear ones yet, and he had not received any reports. He had only been warned in advance. At the same time, there was a large amount of information sent, which was something that needed to be investigated.

Source: Thai News Agency